Troll Kingdom

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are we being trolled?

Neil said:
Ah, the old 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' strategy.

Bugs Bunny resorted to this, too, on more than one occasion.

there is no choise at trollwars , all trolls are welcome, we will not delete your most nasty post, or ban you, you may get + K FOR EXTRA NASTY. :)
trollwarssnoopd said:
messenger is such a puppy , he may be cool after he grows up just one tiny little bit. and I mean tiny.
LOL!! I was almost going to ask what the average age of one of your members is, snagglepuss.

I saw one of your members try to insult Gagh on his post count. That's never been done before!
Messenger said:
LOL!! I was almost going to ask what the average age of one of your members is, snagglepuss.

I saw one of your members try to insult Gagh on his post count. That's never been done before!
They also think one of the new posters is him. :)

And so it begins...
trollwarssnoopd said:
there is no choise at trollwars , all trolls are welcome, we will not delete your most nasty post, or ban you, you may get + K FOR EXTRA NASTY. :)

I'm flattered that you think I have the time or interest to stop and visit. I'll just have to keep the EXTRA NASTY safely tucked away in my intimate PMs around here.

Enjoy your stay, though.
trollwarssnoopd said:
there is no choise at trollwars , all trolls are welcome, we will not delete your most nasty post, or ban you, you may get + K FOR EXTRA NASTY. :)
What sort of place is this?
SilentBtViolent said:
OMG gay accusation??!!!

This is, like, all so totally original. Why isn't the Internet named after you already??!!

OMG you're making me over-punctuate, I'm so hard!
Don't over-punctuate SBV, you'll get permaed at EI. That was the beginning of the end for Darthsickle.
Messenger said:
LOL!! I was almost going to ask what the average age of one of your members is, snagglepuss.

I saw one of your members try to insult Gagh on his post count. That's never been done before!


trollwarssnoopd said:
there is none , your members are visiting us and all are welcome. Realy you guys are just like us, there is little difference, we have nuts, freaks, fags, nazis, leftwing,rightwing, stoners,drunks,druggies,niggers,spicks,goofballs.

we do not censor post or have GODerators who limit you for little reason. I am a moderator at trollwars.

I Like it here an have no plans of going away.

What do you think of that? If I could get my Tkarma up I would whip your ass at the arcade.

Oh well , I do have another id here you you may LICK THE HEAD OF MY COCK if you dont like it.

snoopdog from Troll Wars.

LOL I was going to ask if your name was snoopdogg, but I didn't want to seem insulting.

No one gives a shit if you stay or not. If you stay, then you must assimilate into TK Culture and become one of us. Otherwise, fuck you if you can't take a joke, asshat.
trollwarssnoopd said:

sorry sad but true

If you can define "communist" in your own words and tell us what you think being a "gay communist wimp" might entail, I'd be inclined to lend more credence to your argument.

Until then you're a big poopyhead. From Poopy McPooterville. And your mom lives in Booger City.
Caitriona said:
Would it be tacky to wear the same outfit for both the trolling and the hijacking?
Yes it would. Someone might be there for both events and will remember the outfit, which will become so twenty minutes ago. Besides, one's formal and the other's sporty.