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Ask eloisel, or not

eloisel said:
I was going to tell a story about how every kid in the neighborhood had every kind of cool toy there ever was while I had very few. My parents weren't poor, it was just my mother thought I should do other things with my free time - like read and use my imagination. As I've been reading since I was four, I've read a great deal. As much as I enjoy reading, there are other things I would like to have spent some time on, like learning how to work one of those hoola hoop things. Anyhow, I never had a tricycle. One can't ride what one doesn't have. However, the cool banana seat Stingray bicycle my dad got for me so I could participate in a bicycle ride with the rest of my Girl Scout troop was a big highlight of my childhood.

I had one of those too, in jr high school, and its true, a true highlight. Mine was gold with leopard skin trim on the seat. I got it for my 10th birthday, something like that.
eloisel said:
Since there are so many of these threads, thought I'd start my own. Ask me anything you want, or not, but don't expect me to give you the answer that you want me to.
Hi eloisel, how are you?
Mirah said:
Hi eloisel, how are you?
Last night I had class again. You may remember my upset last week that the blonde amazon that stalked me for awhile is in that class. There is more to that story. The teacher of that class was also the teacher in a class that I quit the program over a year ago. That teacher was always late to class, wasn't organized for the class, and cut class short by a couple of hours each class. To some folks that might sound cool but when you have to have those hours to complete the course and you pay for those hours, I call it getting screwed. Anyway, somebody complained about that teacher cheating us. Instead of the teacher getting her act together, she ridiculed the complainer in class. Then, she not only let the blonde amazon - who has spent the last few years telling us she is an ex-police officer and jailer at a penitentiary; that she uses stun guns, stun shields and batons on big men; and, goes on "reconnisance" missions to harass people that cross her - rail against the complainer for half the class period, she encouraged it. At the end of blondie's tirade, I was pissed, PMSing and perimenopausal. I told teacher she was shit and when blondie turned on me I told her to go to fucking hell and walked out of the class. Some of the other students in that class followed me out but no one backed my complaint against either teacher or amazon blonde.

My boss let me quit the program that session but has made me go back the last two. When I had to take this class, with this teacher, it was bad enough, and with blondie being in the class, too, I was seriously dreading the 10 Monday nights I'd be forced within their proximity. Fortunately, the teacher has another person scheduled to take about 5 of her classes and I can be absent twice so I thought I'd only have to tolerate the two creepazoids three times.

Well, yesterday that teacher called me at work. Because I was busy and couldn't get the phone, she left a message - she was really glad I was in her class and she looked forward to seeing me. Okay. I'm basically a nice person so if she wants to mend fences, I'm cool with that. Sure enough, she gave an excellent class, put blondie in her place a few times, and thanked me for giving her a second chance.

So, I'm doing very well. Thanks for asking.
jack said:
How long should you hold the hit, before exhaling??
I have always been of the opinion that one should hold onto the inhale as long as they can gracefully do so. It takes practice to learn to exhale at the appropriate moment before oxygen deprivation/smoke damage/lung collapse but not before becoming nicely high.
Sparkle Muffin said:
I'm hungry, will you cook me something?
I would dear, but I've not been domesticated for some time now. I could have my cook, Norman, make something for you. He can cook anything. What would you like?
For Sparkle Muffin:

Norman makes a very nice fried chicken wrap - tomatos, lettuce, Ranch, salsa, chunks of fried chicken. Very tasty.

If you prefer baked chicken, though, we'll have to go to La Madelaine's. I recommend their tomato bisque soup with their baked rosemary chicken and steamed broccoli.

Or, we could go to Chili's for their mesquite grilled chicken with a side of mashed potatoes and a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup.

Or, if you can wait til I'm in a cooking mood, I'll be making a pot of butter beans and a pan of sweet cornbread soon. I like that with little green onions and a fresh spinach and cherry tomato salad.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
What color are your nipples (assuming you have them)? Be precise.
Interesting question. Like most women, my nipples are darker than my skin color. Use your imagination, assuming you have one.
Well thank you for sharing eloisel, as I was saying, I hope it continues to go well for you. I was worried about that Amazon-she sounds like not only a bitch-but really scary too.