Ask Mirah questions


I want to smell dark matter
Will you watch Caprica?


I love you
Are all of my questions going to be from songs and movies?

I have seen Major League.

How was it?

Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

I have never danced with the devil in any kind of moonlight or daylight. I mean I'm pretty sure, there was this one time, the guy had horns and a body suit of red, but you know ---> Perfectly normal.

Have you shot a man in Reno just to watch him die?

I could not harm a spider. I would really not want to watch someone die, but I have thought about torturing a couple of people at times. And I mean REAL torture. But then again, who am I to judge?

Have you ever seen the grimmer side of Midnight?
All of midnight is grim my dear. I would like to see the brighter side.

Will you watch Caprica?
With you? Yes. Sitting on a couch in comfy sweats eating popcorn and m&ms.

will you forgive Baltar?

What did Baltar do?


I want to smell dark matter
Will you eat this cake?



I want to smell dark matter
Have you ever tried Jesus tacos?


I love you
I'm cool.

Thats cool.

P.S. I'll answer more questions when I am at home. THX (Except for Dr. Daves) (Just kidding) (Maybe) (Not really) (Don't be so sensitive) (Its funny)

Ok ok Dr Dave-you asked what you should do with your mouse-or how you should destroy it? Do whatever brings you the most pleasure.


I love you
Will you eat this cake?

No Way! I could not eat a cake as awesome as that!

If Jesus was your copilot, would you feel more safe, or less safe?
Absolutely safe. Jesus can walk on water and he would not let me drown. But if we crashed into the side of a mountain I am sure we would die, but at least I'd go to heaven. Jesus already died, so of course he wouldn't care if we crashed into a mountain. OMG NOW I'M FREAKED OUT!

have you ever tried breakfast tacos?
No. I am intrigued. Are they hard or soft? Is this a trick question? Do you mean like Breakfast Burritoes? I have had those. But really all I can think about now is waking up to folgers in your cup and having a nice taco in your face for breakfast.

Have you ever tried Jesus tacos?

No, but I am sure they would have a redeeming quality about them. They would be filled with love.
Wait, have you?