Troll Kingdom

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Attention ASVS

Nothing is curruntly happening at Venooker's administrative assistants board...Wwhy in tha fuck did ASVS was thinking of making his 80+ year old busted out ass in charge of ASVS?..ASVS died when Seph and Tyralek deleted my account and my forums (BLACKFOOT SPORTS FORUM and THE BRIGGS...I mean, TK's Dirk Funk/ASVS Tyralak stop posting there over 4-years-ago...No sign of TK's Charlemange/ASVS Khas there either<<Did that Mexican quit the Star Wars/Star Wars,/kiddie bullshit message board?<<Do tha BITCH finally pass her l-90 application reqirement and became a US Citizen in order to bring her family across the baoder legally for 3 months at each visit?...Last post at ASVS: September 7, 2023 by Courier Six<<Troll Kingdoms - The Question/The Highwayma/The Saint...Damn! John has been working UNDER Venooker for a while now.<<Venooker has been tricking out TK's The Question/The Highwayman/The Saint for years.
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The funny part about ASVS is when Venooker was made an administrator/a person responsible for running a business, organization, etc, Tk's Charlemange/ ASVS Khas, TK's Dirk Funk/ ASVS Tyralak and all the members stop posting there<<The last post was made by TK's The Question/The Highwayman? The Saint/ ASVS The Courier 6 on September 7, 2023.