avatar and signature preference


Let's be making sexy business
no. it's a personal preference. i was just curios about what you old heads do. i was just trying to be funny in my OP. don't get all defensive. unless you really want to.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
I'm not being defensive ;)

And just because you asked so nicely, I have all images on.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I don't use sigs (well rarely anyway) but your av is like your stamp. It defines you.

Unfortunately for you, yours has to be a metaphor, due to the non graphic nature of pics on the board.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I have sigs turned off, because I am on dial up. The avatars don't bother me, I like them.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I like yours, Cassie.


Let's be making sexy business
HUH...Ive never had an avatar before. if i was to have one, I'd have to set up to view them, i suppose. iT'S

Ok, some comination of keys is triggering the post reply button on me. i've been prematurely ....posting.

I was gonna say that it would have to be a rooster motif, if they have to be SFW. that's the thing though. I'm at work. avatars make it obvious that I'm fucking off.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
180 by 180 pixels (use your photoshop to resize the pic)

up to 24k pic size. then upload from your pic directory.


Let's be making sexy business
meh....i put one up, but i'm still not gonna see them....although i like those lesbians up there. hawt.


Let's be making sexy business
oh, snap! it's true! I am!

:::takes that fucking avatar down and burns it:::


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm watching Sublime.

What a weird fucking movie.

Love Child

One Love
HUH...Ive never had an avatar before. if i was to have one, I'd have to set up to view them, i suppose. iT'S

Ok, some comination of keys is triggering the post reply button on me. i've been prematurely ....posting.

I was gonna say that it would have to be a rooster motif, if they have to be SFW. that's the thing though. I'm at work. avatars make it obvious that I'm fucking off.

When I am at work, I too turn cocks off, I mean sigs and avs! But when I am at home I turn cocks on, avs, sigs, images, everything.

Love Child

One Love
holy fucking obnoxious avatars and signatures, people.

I'm new. just what the ladies want: a new Cock. After 3 minutes of trying to read threads here, I had to go into the preferences and turn off the avatars and signatures. You can't tell where the post ends, ferchrissakes.

i wonder how you deal with it.

Sometimes sigs can be annoying and I turn them off on occasion. Sometimes I have an annoying sig, but I don't care!


holy fucking obnoxious avatars and signatures, people.

I'm new. just what the ladies want: a new Cock. After 3 minutes of trying to read threads here, I had to go into the preferences and turn off the avatars and signatures. You can't tell where the post ends, ferchrissakes.

i wonder how you deal with it.

I'm not sure where you vanished to, but I wish you would come back.



I'm not wearing any panties!!
Cock, yur a pussy. Get it? Hah! Err...um...