Awesome Clone Wars trailer


I want to smell dark matter


beer, I want beer


beer, I want beer
Wat Tambor hell yes.

Can you people believe this loser? He has the hots for a CARTOON female. I cannot believe such people actually exist, much less see fit to show up at sites where I am present. It is an insult to my superior station. I'll not have it.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
The Ryloth trilogy got off to a good start this week and promises to get EVEN GOODER.


Staff member
Another really good episode. I like how they don't shy away from the obvious death tolls in a war and try to cutify it. The droids are still bloody annoying though.

That trailer was fantastic. Good to see Windu get involved.

Can't wait.


I want to smell dark matter
I thought it was funny when the droids were left in charge and they didn't have a fucking clue. But remember the whole war is just a ploy by Palps to get him into power do he doesn't actually want the Separatists win, so it kind of makes sense that the droids would suck a bit.


I want to smell dark matter
Another good episode. The droids were smarter this week (but still got rightly killed.) The little girl was adorable, with her little ear cones. Wat Tambor played with his dials for Tomtrek.


Staff member
I love the banter between the clones. They've really brought them to life in the series.

I guess the Mace Windu asswhipping is next week.


I want to smell dark matter
It makes you wonder how the clones could so easily turn on their Jedi friends in Episode 3. I wish they'd show that Palps had Order 666 hardwired into their DNA or something.


Staff member
I think it's pretty heavily implied even if it's not said on screen that Order 66 was a trigger for their programming to kick in.

I like that there was some small exploration of the Clones being at least aware of the fact that they've been created just to fight and be subservient to the Republic which isn't the most noble of things to do. (talking about the turncoat episode)

I want a Clone Rights episode.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
There should be an episode where two Clones fall in love.

And Anakin and Obi-Wan spend the entire episode arguing if Clone on Clone sex is incest or just masturbation.


I want to smell dark matter
There's supposed to be a new villain introduced in the finale (which should make up for the return of Ziro the Hutt.)

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Is Clone Wars good enough that I could watch it for ten hours on the train back to college without trying to stab the girl next to me IN THE FACE?


I want to smell dark matter
What does your heart say?


I want to smell dark matter
OH, WELL, if you like Star Wars you'd probably enjoy it. It's a kids show but the production values are excellent and there's droids and fights and sexy blue ladies and stuff.


I want to smell dark matter
Good conclusion to the trilogy. It wan't quite as epic, perhaps, as the trailer made out, as all the battles were spread out over three episodes. I guess all the Republic's gunships were damaged so they had to use the bridge? Yeah...anyway, Mace was awesome in action. I suppose the problem is he's so awesome that he made quick work of the droids. The walkers were cool and the PUNCHING DROIDS (TM Tomtrek) should be seen again. Poor Wat Tambor. I hope he gets revenge on that droid.