Baby Has Assumed The Position


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Had my check up today, I'm 32 weeks and baby's head is down.

Baby has hiccups right now, it was weird when his head wasn't near my goods now it's extra weird.

I'm huge, I need to birth this baby. BDM gives him 6 weeks, I say 7. We should get a poll going and sticky it.


Forever Empress E
I just want to see brand new baby pictures!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I thought the title meant that the baby has officially identified itself as anti-immigration and pro-business.



I want to smell dark matter
Eight weeks.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I thought the title meant that the baby has officially identified itself as anti-immigration and pro-business.


That's anti-illegal immigration, and pro-business. And yes, he shall be indoctrinated into the GOP from birth, just like my other son. MWAAA-HAA-HAAA!


beer, I want beer
Until he's a teenager, at which point he will buy a surfboard, drop out of school, invest in lots of tie-dye products and come home smelling of patchouli. You're in's inevitable. We put hippie-juice in the water supply years ago.