Troll Kingdom

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oh come on, didnt you laugh so hard when that stupid fucker got killed by one of the animals he was trolling for a response
i think Steve Irwin's death b4 the camera was one of the best ever to happen in the history of television!
That's propably put a bit harsh but frankly, my first thought was "how happy the thousands of snakes and crocs he scared and mistreated must be now".

Every idiot can pull a snake by the tail and scare the poor thing to death but it takes a really good crew to film the same snake showing it's natural behaviour.

Steve Irwin was neither a hero nor a good maker of documentaries. He was a stupid man who had fun being cruel to animals and who caused other people to copy his misbehaviour. His death by a poisonous ray was poetical justice if there ever was any.
I feel sorry for his family, of course, but Australia's reptiles are propably still having a hangover from that party.
That's propably put a bit harsh but frankly, my first thought was "how happy the thousands of snakes and crocs he scared and mistreated must be now".

Every idiot can pull a snake by the tail and scare the poor thing to death but it takes a really good crew to film the same snake showing it's natural behaviour.

Steve Irwin was neither a hero nor a good maker of documentaries. He was a stupid man who had fun being cruel to animals and who caused other people to copy his misbehaviour. His death by a poisonous ray was poetical justice if there ever was any.
I feel sorry for his family, of course, but Australia's reptiles are propably still having a hangover from that party.

what kind of idiot feels bad for some ramdons animals?
You'd be the only one gay if you suck it. I would just be receiving a favor. Favors aren't gay. Are you such a cold hearted bastard you wouldn't do someone a favor? Now do me a favor, suck my dick PLZTHX.
hey, by that kind of logic
Bill Clinton really did not have sex with Monica
nice try dude, but you just need to be ok with being gay
i get that might be hard(excuse the pun) in kentucky and all
but you can find plenty of guy's to suck your dick here in San Francisco
you need not be on the downlow your while life...
This is too much foreplay...
