Dirk Funk
Evil Penguin
WF can't ban Dual he's their entire left side.
Dual has been called many things, but Left isn't one of them.
WF can't ban Dual he's their entire left side.
Dual has been called many things, but Left isn't one of them.
Why is Delaware complaining about this down herehpquestion:
The place for him to complain about this is up on WFhprolleyes:
He's just cranky because his Godforsaken Hellhole was recently bleached.
Nope. I burned a dual you yourself outed. Wah.
Has Delaware been unbanned by WordForgehpquestion:
I thought he never was banned in the first place? How can he be unbanned?
Delaware was banned and is still banned.
There are many copies.
LOLwut?!?! You certainly have some mighty delusions for a master troll.
KIRK was more palatable as Priscella but no, you idiots had to keep riding him until he broke character entirely and we're stuck with KIRK again.