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BB& Live Feed Spoilers 7/30

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
OK, we're all flames now because they just sprung a competition on the house. Apparently it involves a race car that's spinning on a stage in the backyard, since we caught a glimpse of it before it went to flames.

Oh, and Janelle is already moved out of the HoH room! Seeing as they haven't had the veto ceremony yet, this could mean a MAJOR twist in the game...

- An early HoH competition, meaning a double eviction week?
- An evicted houseguest is coming back?
- A luxury competition?

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG where's my dinner I ordered it an hour ago...

Shit I just read some of the transcripts from last night, I think. Will's really working on Janelle.
Yeah. If the Sixers fall apart this week it's their own damn fault. Kaysar Howie and James all forbid Janelle from talking to Chill Town without one of them present, and then they go and leave her alone for hours at a time. Will's had 2 or 3 shots at her since her boys promised to watch her. Idiots.

This veto ceremony could go any number of ways now. Oh, and the competition seems to be over seeing a screening of that new Will Farrell NASCAR movie. Big whoop.

They should still have the veto ceremony tonight tho.
Maybe it is a double eviction.

Hey what are you having for dinner? I need some suggestions. It's too hot to cook and can't think of any thing that sounds good to order for delivery.
I ordered Italian, if the AC wasn't working I wouldn't have that's for's filling but not spectacular.

It's definitely just a competition to see the movie. There are 2 teams, and the team to do a complete pit stop on the race car (change tires, refuel, wash windshieds and whatever else) in the fastest time wins. Whoop de doo.
Humm, I'm not in the mood for Italian, so I just ordered sushi.

And how boring could it get.. like, who cares about the damn movie anyway?
The producers have a history of dangling a new movie in front of them and then showing a real bomb. Last year it was Four Brothers, before that it was Without a Paddle. They only strike up deals with studios who are desperate for the free advertising apparently...
They did it in past years here but I hope they don't do it this year. I can live without the evicted ones so far...

although Jase was quite fit, but he's also a loon

So Boogie won the POV, right? Will was working over Janelle pretty hard this morning, and she was still in the HOH room. What gives??
Oh, yeah, they needed Janell out of the HoH room, I guess it was for the movie. I don't think she's actually moved out yet. They showed her getting ready and they were like, "Janelle, we NEED you out!" hehe...she takes forever just to get ready.
Yeah, movie's over (the new Will Farrell NASCAR movie), which they all said blew monkey chunks. They're still putting the room back together for her apparently.

She's hell bent on getting rid of Diane, and not Will or Danielle. Kaysar looks like he doesn't care about the game at all anymore. James has all but left to join Danielle in a reign of terror o'er the whole house. And Howie's contribution is clogging the toilets.

The SOVs are just lousy at this game, period.
The SOVs are playing this game very stupidly now. Chilltown is playing them like a violin. If Janelle doesn't put Will in Boogie's place, she's making the biggest mistake in BB history, and I'll seriously revise my opinion of her skillz.

Heh, Boogie is working over Kaysar even as we speak!
And he worked Howie over the same way before the movie.

Janelle is screwed either way, if CT don't go after her next week, Danielle or Diane will. The SOVs as a power base are over, it's every dope for himself now.
Look, James had shot at putting up Chill Town TWICE last week so that weenie fuck needs to get off his high horse. Jase was imploding and hardly a threat and that's not even minding the fact that no one knew Chicken George was going to win POV. If James is dumb enough to get into bed with Danielle then I say, bye, bye bitch.

Same goes for Kaysur who is by far the dumbest player in BB history. Have we all forgotten that idiot boy got voted back in by America in season six and then true to his moron style trusted that girl (Jenn was it?) and went home like 2 days later?! So Kaysur needs to keep his high and mighty opinions to himself.

Janelle is smarter than you all think. She's a goddamn genius at playing dumb and aside from Evil Dr. One Trick Pony Will, she is the next greatest player in BB history. Just wait and see.

We don't have food delivery here in my city except for pizza but I just learned that my favorite Italian restaurant is now delivering. They're in a neighboring city but not far from my house, I'm going to see if they deliver here soon.