Eggs Mayonnaise
All In With The Nuts
Well, Janie has officially decided to put up Diane, and she basically sealed the deal on a long-term alliance with CT. She even gave them her pecking order for who she wants saved: 1) Howie 2) Marci 3) Kaysar 4) James (implied, his name didn't come up a whole lot). Will agreed to the first 3, but later whispered to Boogie that he only promised to cover 2.
Marci sees through it all and is trying to tell Janie this, which will confuse her even more.
Will told Danielle everything and she told James, so James is totally not an SOV anymore. He and Dani plan to put up Janie and Marcellas if either of them win HoH, which would mean Janie goes home barring any veto changes.
James and Dani also decided to vote Diane out, so even if Woogie pull a switch and vote Erika, Diane is pretty much going home.
Marci sees through it all and is trying to tell Janie this, which will confuse her even more.
Will told Danielle everything and she told James, so James is totally not an SOV anymore. He and Dani plan to put up Janie and Marcellas if either of them win HoH, which would mean Janie goes home barring any veto changes.
James and Dani also decided to vote Diane out, so even if Woogie pull a switch and vote Erika, Diane is pretty much going home.