BB7 Live Feeds: So. Much. Shit. Going. ON.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Since George couldn't bring himself to put Janie up as a replacement nominee. he somehow decided to put up Howie instead, rather than Will which was his idea.

The thing is, he didn't get the idea until he went to the Diary Room. The producers are doing everything they can to make sure Will and Janie stay in the game, even if it means tampering with it.

Then CT went to work, assuring Howie he was safe, and then securing that Erika would in fact be safe instead. Howie got blindsided, and is out.

On his way out, he and Boogie exchanged words in that exit minute, and almost came to blows. Apparently there was some cheering at the eviction announcement, which is a no-class no matter who does it.

Janelle went into a deep crying jag for the rest of the night, and everyone took turns trying to talk her down from her jagpole. She even talked about handing in her DOR or even killing herself. According the FORT chatters, she is on Xanax. Maybe she missed a dose...she's a lost puppy now. Seems like she can only function with a huge support system around her, when she's alone and facing adverse energy, she crumples.

They instantly had another HoH comp which involved midgets in elf costumes throwing pies at the members' faces, which many found to be in poor taste (the competition, not the pies). Boogie won Hoh (interesting, considering he also has the Coup Power, and now doesn't have to use it, although others have been convinced that Will has it, not Boogie).

Boogie and Dani seem to be cozying up to each other this morning...the first plan tossed around is nominateing James and Janelle, and when one of them wins POV, backdooring Chicken George since he showed he can't be trusted to do their bidding after the last eviction. The rationale is, if they put up CG and Janie, James won't play for POV or will throw it, messing up their plans to get CG out.

Sunday's show is going to be crammed with bits, I hope they don't leave a lot of good stuff out. They really have enough for a 2-hour ep, what with a taped POV (James), a taped eviction (Howie), another HoH (Boogie), and the noms which will happen today I think. Plus all the drama, which will be more interesting to watch than the comps, since most players are still throwing to one person and it's known beforehand who's going to get it.

Whatever happens, there's no way CT isn't going to own this game till the end, which sucks in a way, but it seems to be the way CBS wants it. Will carrying Janie over the threshhold to the Final 2, and then crushing her into dust with the jury votes.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
But it seems Will and Boogie have other plans. They want to put up Janie and James, but save Janie. They think it's James' turn to go.

But Janie is still a fragile flower, and basically is ready to go home. Will and James have both been trying to pump her up to get her to fighting weight (for different purposes), but it's not working. So she wasn't going to fight for POV, which makes it harder for CT to keep her safe.

So they talk to her some more, and fill her head with stuff, and then fill James' head with more stuff so that he's working with them to get her rallying...I can't follow Woogie's reasoning on the transcripts half the time, they talk people into doing one thing, then the opposite, then something else, all in one conversation. It's maddening...


Something Wicked
I can't figure out what they are planning... and I'm not sure they should send James home at all. James is hated way more than Janie and the jury will be made up of people who really DO hate him. Plus, how are Boogie and Will going to get each other there and then frame any sort of win. I mean no one is going to believe they weren't in it all together--be mad at one, be mad at them both. What is the end game here, or is it just to get the the F2?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I think Woogie want to bring either Janie and Erika or Janie and Danielle with them to F4, and then watch the ladies catfight and destroy each other. Which is pretty cocky, considering the women could decide to band together and ruin things for them...

Veto comp should be later tongiht...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
James and Janelle. Oops, thought I posted that...

They want James out, they might try to throw the comp to Janelle but they don't know what it is yet or who's playing...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
By telling Will about it and threatening Chicken George with it. He fucked up.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well, everyone competed in the POV except Chicken George. And...

...damned if that blond bitch didn't win another damn veto comp!

I think Janie has an addiction to fashion's the medal she's after, not the power...

Well, looks like my boy James is a goner. Be gentle, L_G, I'm feeling very vulnerable...I may cry for hours like Janie did over Howie...



Something Wicked
It's fixed. CBS wants CT and Janie to go all the way and that's what is going to happen. I hate it when stuff like this ends up being so obviously scripted.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
If you're at FORT or checking the feeds right now...James spent a good long time in the Diary Room, claiming that Janie cheated at the last second. Apparently he made enough of a case that they reviewed the tapes, but the producers said they didn't have video from the right angle to confirm it. However, they seem to be calling everyone into the DR one by one...perhaps this isn't over yet!


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I would love it if they could prove she did something wrong...all the Janie-lovers over at FORT are ridiculous. There's a strict policy of "comment on the show, not your fellow posters" but the things that the Janie-loving James-haters get away with are incredible...I may end up getting banned from there like a good TKer if I can't take it any more. ;)


I want to smell dark matter
Glyn was robbed.


Something Wicked
I know.. the James haters get away with murder there. The names they call him, and the Janie lovers are no better. You'd think the woman walked on water for crying out loud.

I'm not registered there, so if you end up needing an account, let me know and I'll get one for you to use.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The Danielle-haters are even worse, they get really personal, and even bring her husband and children into it. She's not allowed to have a vulnerable moment. If she cries over missing her kids, it's obviously staged as part of her strategy. If it's real, then she's a lying whore becuase why doesn't she cry EVERY day over her kids?

The Janelle-lovers are a mean, nasty bunch...


Something Wicked
I agree. It's like people actually believe these people are all one attribute. As if there is no *other* explanation for anything. It actually has made me not register there because the Janie and Will lovers are a fan nightmare.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The Will lovers aren't as bad. The squee-girls are silly who just dote on him, and the frustrated white guys who count on him to validate their penis size need to shut up. But a lot of Will's fans are like him: they don't take it too seriously and realize it's a game, and respect that he simply outplays the rest of the house to a ridiculous degree.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Danielle is just a stupid black bitch who couldn't wipe her black ass without someone in the house moving her arm back and forth. James is a skinny white dude who thinks he's badass but really whines every time his girlfriend brings home creamy peanut butter instead of crunchy. Erika is a used-up Jewess hag who'll hump anything with a dick that's interested in her (see: Mike Boogie). WillKirbyMikeBoogie is a parasitic being concerned only with itself; it cares not for the lifeless husks it leaves behind. "Chicken" George is alright...for a mildly retarded fat man. doth one sing the praises of such a divine creature? Her hair is the finest, faerie-spun gold, her eyes like two cerulean pools, her smile would light up Las Vegas for a week, and her gameplay will lead as many men to crumble and cry as her luscious lips will lead them to long for a kiss. And she's got nice boobies and legs too.

JANELLE FTW, YA HEARD!!?! :who?me?:


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I still like Janelle, I was mad at her for being stupid about CT though!