
I want to smell dark matter
Victor is staying in Nick's mansion all series in order to provide daily BBLBC!



I want to smell dark matter

"It's Channel 5, dogs spunking everywhere!"


Is this real life?
If Emma Willis's waters break they have some backup presenters right there. And they won't need any spunking dogs to keep viewer interest.


I want to smell dark matter
She should let the spunking dog impregnate her immediately after giving birth.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
They should stop using Nick's wife instead of a tripod. Other than that, good episode! Nick said exactly what I'd been thinking about Brian (nice suits) Dowling. We saw in UBB how good he was at doing sort of unscripted interviews with fellow housemates (so good they almost sounded like they were scripted) and making off the cuff remarks, but he's not so good at autocue reading and all those "hey, isn't this amazing" type bits.


I want to smell dark matter
At least he wasn't pointlessly hosting the show again tonight.


Is this real life?
Is it true they were meant to be bringing in another housemate?


I want to smell dark matter
People on DS were saying that Bobby Brown was supposed to be going in, but he showed up drunk/failed the psyche test so they cancelled it. His daughter had been tweeting all day that he was going in.


Is this real life?
I've never heard of him but it looks like he might've shaken things up a bit.


I want to smell dark matter
Whitney Houston's druggie ex, did the Ghostbusters 2 theme.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Whitney and Bobby had their own short-lived reality show while they were still together and on drugs. Whitney's trademark hogcall of "BOBBEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" whenever she was looking for him became legend.

Also they did a lot of drugs behind closed doors and thought they were fooling people.


I want to smell dark matter
I wonder if he's crawling around London eating drugs now.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
Good points again, although they should probably plan a little more about what they're going to say, since it obviously wasn't going to be a double eviction with only two people nominated.


I want to smell dark matter