

Grand Wizard of TK
There's a wide variety of sexual attitudes among members of TK so this should be interesting.

Ok so thats get a scenario going. Say a women had a sexual encounter with the family dog during her teen years, say the dog lapped away at her pussy and she enjoyed it. So instead of going out and finding a boyfriend she was satisfied with what the dog provided and continued to explore sex with the dog. Say now she's at the point where whenever she feels the need the dog will mount her and pump away for a quickie.

So the question is what is your reaction to this kind of relationship? What makes this relationship right or wrong?
The logical part of my brain screams it's wrong for various reasons
The other part of my brain says eh, whatever refries her beans.
Do I agree with her choice? no, but I wouldn't condem her for it either
My reaction? It happens.
Here in Mesa one of our firefighters got busted for fuckin a sheep( actually it was other charges, as far as I remember it's not illegal to bang animals in mesa)
Bladev1 said:
The logical part of my brain screams it's wrong for various reasons
But what are those reasons?

The other part of my brain says eh, whatever refries her beans.
True stranger things get people off. Violent sex, certain smells, pain, different scenarios.

Do I agree with her choice? no, but I wouldn't condem her for it either
My reaction? It happens.
I don't agree with it either. But why shouldn't we condemn it and try to steer people away from such acts?

Here in Mesa one of our firefighters got busted for fuckin a sheep( actually it was other charges, as far as I remember it's not illegal to bang animals in mesa)
Likely trespassing or something like that. If he didn't own the sheep.
Friday said:
Okay, seriously considering bestiality is just...wrong.

But can you move beyond that and come up with rational reasons why it's wrong, immoral, sick, not worth it?

Thats the entire purpose behind this thread.

You're a lesbian and I don't see much of a difference between homosexuality and beastiality.
Wow, that's a pretty strong statement, GTC.

I don't know if "wrong" is the right way to describe bestiality - OR homoesexuality, for that matter - I think simple, base revulsion is more appropriate, though, based upon a person's (or society's) belief system and upbringing.

A lot of people don't want to consider sex as an unemotional, natural urge, that there should be SOME sort of emotional exchange - no matter how visceral - precipitating, and during, the act.

A connection at that level is just not possible with an animal. (Unless you're a "Horse Whisperer." ;) )

And never mind the "ew" factor involved that you're making the beast-with-two-backs with ol' Sparky, the same dog that chews on your slippers, licks his privates, and eats cat poop.

I would consder bestiality little different than excessive "toys" at ye merry olde sex shop, it just depends what level your kink-o-meter's set at.
I think this should be moved to Hambil's forum. One, it takes a rather liberal position on interspecies sexuality, and two, he's a rodent.
Grandtheftcow said:
But can you move beyond that and come up with rational reasons why it's wrong, immoral, sick, not worth it?

Thats the entire purpose behind this thread.

You're a lesbian and I don't see much of a difference between homosexuality and beastiality.
In this context, you are absolutely correct.
Grandtheftcow said:
But can you move beyond that and come up with rational reasons why it's wrong, immoral, sick, not worth it?

Thats the entire purpose behind this thread.

You're a lesbian and I don't see much of a difference between homosexuality and beastiality.

Well, there's that whole relationship with a fellow self-aware, rational being thing that underlies homosexuality.
I think what GTC was trying to show was that Friday's revulsion of beastiality is no more or less rational than the revulsion many have with homosexuality. They aren't the same, of course, until viewed from a different perspective, specifically societal roles and society as a whole.
Number_6 said:
Well, there's that whole relationship with a fellow self-aware, rational being thing that underlies homosexuality.
Oh, the great Number6 chooses to share his wisdom with the mere peons on the board. Woop de doo.
Sex with dogs is "wrong" because the human is taking advantage of the animal. I say taking advantage in the sense that a dog has to be coerced into sex with a human.
Yup. I don't see any problem with it, other than the potential for animal abuse.

And in most cases (as far as I know) that isn't an issue.
Neil said:
Wow, that's a pretty strong statement, GTC.

I don't know if "wrong" is the right way to describe bestiality - OR homoesexuality, for that matter - I think simple, base revulsion is more appropriate, though, based upon a person's (or society's) belief system and upbringing.

A lot of people don't want to consider sex as an unemotional, natural urge, that there should be SOME sort of emotional exchange - no matter how visceral - precipitating, and during, the act.

A connection at that level is just not possible with an animal. (Unless you're a "Horse Whisperer." )

And never mind the "ew" factor involved that you're making the beast-with-two-backs with ol' Sparky, the same dog that chews on your slippers, licks his privates, and eats cat poop.

I would consder bestiality little different than excessive "toys" at ye merry olde sex shop, it just depends what level your kink-o-meter's set at.
You've pretty much summed up my own views on the subject.

In the scenario I made in my opening post the dog is fucking the women because it wants to. It really isn't much different then just sticking batteries in the old vibrator. All she has to do is drop the panties and the dog will go for her.

What kind of emotional relationship can you have with a dog?

Number_6 said:
I think this should be moved to Hambil's forum. One, it takes a rather liberal position on interspecies sexuality, and two, he's a rodent.
The thread simply discusses the subject. It's up to the other members to state their views and reasons for them.

Messenger said:
I think what GTC was trying to show was that Friday's revulsion of beastiality is no more or less rational than the revulsion many have with homosexuality. They aren't the same, of course, until viewed from a different perspective, specifically societal roles and society as a whole.
Yeah and I was trying to bait Friday back into the thread. She has a history of running from a thread when it becomes confrontational or doesn't go her way.

jack said:
Sex with dogs is "wrong" because the human is taking advantage of the animal. I say taking advantage in the sense that a dog has to be coerced into sex with a human.
Was the dog really forced into a sexual situation? The scenario started with the dog lapping up her pussy. So obviously he wasn't forced into that.
Grandtheftcow said:
Was the dog really forced into a sexual situation? The scenario started with the dog lapping up her pussy. So obviously he wasn't forced into that.

This is usually achieved by the woman spreading peanut butter or something like that on her pussy, not because the dog is horny.
Dogs don't lap the pussies of women spontaneously. The sexual smell is different. So the animal must be trained to do it. It's easy to train them, but it isn't something they do on their own, as a rule.
I don't see how it can be a form of animal abuse anymore than keeping an animal as a pet is abusing it.

We could ask a pet psychologist as to whether or not having a relationship like that is healthy for it but then again, being a pet isn't healthy for it in the first place.