Since this is total and utter bullshit of the first degree I thought I should make sure it gets some air time in Speak Freely.
Since an IQ of 157 would be higher than 99.865% of the worlds population I think this needs to be examined as a complete and utter bald faced lie. He also claims to be a previous member of MENSA. Since Beergoggles has shown an utter lack of any genius whatsoever whilst being here and 157 is considered to be 15 points clear of the genius level I think we can agree that he is now to be painted as an even bigger prick than usual:
80-90 (below average)
90-110 (average intelligence)
111-121 (above average)
122-130 (highly intelligent)
131-141 (gifted)
142+ (genius - top 1%)
This guy is simply not 157 material. It's patently obvious. Unless of course he's been incredibly adept at using that genius to hide the fact of his genius I think we can call complete fucking ultra steaming bullshit on this one.
Since this is total and utter bullshit of the first degree I thought I should make sure it gets some air time in Speak Freely.
Since an IQ of 157 would be higher than 99.865% of the worlds population I think this needs to be examined as a complete and utter bald faced lie. He also claims to be a previous member of MENSA. Since Beergoggles has shown an utter lack of any genius whatsoever whilst being here and 157 is considered to be 15 points clear of the genius level I think we can agree that he is now to be painted as an even bigger prick than usual:
80-90 (below average)
90-110 (average intelligence)
111-121 (above average)
122-130 (highly intelligent)
131-141 (gifted)
142+ (genius - top 1%)
This guy is simply not 157 material. It's patently obvious. Unless of course he's been incredibly adept at using that genius to hide the fact of his genius I think we can call complete fucking ultra steaming bullshit on this one.