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Bet you Falconarg isn't white

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it's falconarg.

he's the stereotypical white possibly south/central american who has grown a gut over the years and is now pretending like he's cool by being an online nutjob.

way to go with that by the way.

I seriously don't understand racism.

Jesus was a Jew after all, and far be it for me to be racist! I could never get how people that called themselves Christians like many White Supremacists tdo, yet hate Jews.Duh!

I like , personally black men. I have been dating Jerome for about a year now and he is quite a nice man. It is sad to think there are those still possessed by a demon of racial hatred. I mean, even the sinners around in America are trying to get away from that. Why is it some of the White folks out there hate black folks?

Jerome is a very nice man and no he dosen;t drink 40's, smoke dope or any of that sainner trash stuff. I wish he'd marry me, but he says he needs his space. I think eventually he will, which would be good because my babies could have a daddy then.

BTW, I am of Irish extraction and white as Casper the ghost. Most of the dummies who are racists are themselves mixed, so why make a big deal about it? If you think about it, most Americans are mongrels.
That's White Supremacist trash. You can't find that ANYWHERE in the Word. In fact, if you actually READ IT, you'd see where all the descendants of Noah, and therefore all related.
USA ppl cant talk shit about others countrys when you have a asshole like Bush
for president
and he was voted twice omg
What's the matter? Didn't feel like spamming an image? I take back what I said about you not being baited.

USA ppl cant talk shit about others countrys when you have a asshole like Bush
for president
and he was voted twice omg
If we were assholes we'd simply make fun of you, but since I'm such a nice guy I won't. The USA can do whatever it likes and no one else can do anything about it. Bush is a bad president but a good asshole; he showed how pussy the rest of the world really is.

What small, unimportant country are you from, Falcypoo?
That's White Supremacist trash. You can't find that ANYWHERE in the Word. In fact, if you actually READ IT, you'd see where all the descendants of Noah, and therefore all related.
This means nothing. We are also related to Judas, and that won't save his soul.

I have read the Word and it specifically tells where the descendants of Cain can be found. The British were the first to properly recognize Africans for what they really are: sons of the Eternally Damned.
meh bitchin about my english
no reason to continue here if you are goin to do a dork move
*goes offline*
Lookie here - he managed to pull something like a proper sentence out of his ass, just for little old me.

This just in: Pointing out Rumpelstiltfalc's pitiful language skills will send him running home to mama.
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