Blackadder Goes Forth is the highest rated on IMDB!?


I want to smell dark matter
The Black Adder: 8.5
Blackadder II: 9.0
Blackadder the Third: 9.0
Blackadder Goes Forth: 9.1

Are the scores. THIS IS WRONG.

I strongly believe the only reason Blackadder Goes Forth has the highest score is because of the (excellent) end sequence. But does that one scene make it better than 2 and 3? NO. Don't get me wrong, Blackadder Goes Forth is still brilliant in more ways than you could possibly imagine, but there is an EVER SO SLIGHT decline in the writing (probably the first sign of Ben Elton being on the sad road to "not funny anymore.")

FOR EXAMPLE the "Darling" jokes. Funny, yes, but it's a catchphrase and 2 and 3 didn't have catcphrases and didn't repeat the same joke in every episode. To a lesser extent there's the "thingiest thing since thingy the thing thinied a thing" jokes in every episode (which are still very funny) and Baldrick has a new "cunning plan" every episode whereas he had only a couple of them in the whole of 2 and 3. AGAIN, it's only a very SLIGHT decline and it's still great but 2 and 3 are the absolute heigh of comedy and 4 doesn't quite touch them.


The Black Adder: 8.9 (pretty underrated, yes it's different and not quite as funny but it's still great from my point of view)
Blackadder II: 9.5
Blackadder The Third: 9.5
Blackadder Goes Forth: 9.1


Boobie inspector
Blackadder the third should get it for the "I too have a cigerillo box" moment alone.


I want to smell dark matter
A new freckle on the nose of the great pixie.