Troll Kingdom

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How's it going, Liar? :bigass: I love how sprung you got yesterday. Gonna have to call you a "hyper dancer"

Then you won't be needing to post around here anymore.

Bye bye loser :bigass: Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Sorry, I spelled "liar" incorrectly.
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And with all that experience, you still fail at basic literacy. Your board is offline due to a TOS violation, nimrod. :bigass:

Your board is offline due to a TOS violation. Did you even read their TOS?

Do you even know what "TOS" means?????????????

This thread has become funny, in that very sad way.

^What a stupid ass nigger. Confessing to his crimes.
I just talked to my brother's cyber crime buddies, your site is offline, not IP banned. Stupid lying nigger.

^Here's the deal nutsacks^. I'll give y'all the link too THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT under these conditions If I prove that my board exist. #1. you will not use your accounts (Loktar, jack, Vulpes Inculta) for 2 WEEKS. #2 You'll will express regret as an obsequious person (obsequious person? google it).

^PS: This agreement will not be finalized or established until I (CeeJay) say it is^ in other words chumps, It needs my approval.
You need to respond and get approved for this deal to be in full-effect. Baahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. Any other suckers/members who thinks I'm lying can join this deal as well. C'mon! take the challenge.

And Another Thang:

Since I'm unable to edit this post, I will not be guaranteeing 100% of this post. Just checking my ass if something goes a FOOT.

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^Here's the deal nutsacks^. I'll give y'all the link too THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT under these conditions If I prove that my board exist. #1. you will not use your accounts (Loktar, jack, Vulpes Inculta) for 2 WEEKS. #2 You'll will express regret as an obsequious person (obsequious person? google it).

^PS: This agreement will not be finalized or established until I (CeeJay) say it is^ in other words chumps, It needs my approval.
You need to respond and get approved for this deal to be in full-effect. Baahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. Any other suckers/members who thinks I'm lying can join this deal as well. C'mon! take the challenge.

And Another Thang:

Since I'm unable to edit this post, I will not be guaranteeing 100% of this post. Just checking my ass if something goes a FOOT.

The only one who believes your pathetic lies is you. Because you're equally pathetic.
So cough up the link, bro. Otherwise stop bumping this thread, jackass. Every post you've made in this thread has been a lie.

Calling your bluff, 'bro.
Post the link, or shut the fuck up. I know you're full of shit, so I'm calling your bluff.
Your continuing to bump this thread over nothing is spamming in a non spamming forum. Continue to do so at your own peril, dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
I "must" do no such fucking thing, boy. You proceed from the hilariously mistaken impression that what you're offering -- even if you were to offer it in good faith, which you clearly aren't -- actually has value.

It doesn't. Which is what makes your lies as comical as they are pathetic.
^Here's the deal nutsacks^. I'll give y'all the link too THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT under these conditions If I prove that my board exist. #1. you will not use your accounts (Loktar, jack, Vulpes Inculta) for 2 WEEKS. #2 You'll will express regret as an obsequious person (obsequious person? google it).

^PS: This agreement will not be finalized or established until I (CeeJay) say it is^ in other words chumps, It needs my approval.
You need to respond and get approved for this deal to be in full-effect. Baahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. Any other suckers/members who thinks I'm lying can join this deal as well. C'mon! take the challenge.

And Another Thang:

Since I'm unable to edit this post, I will not be guaranteeing 100% of this post. Just checking my ass if something goes a FOOT.
Uppity nigger, STFU and fuck off. Weaksauce handjobs Forever!
This forum is called GFHH. Since we're not talking about a real forum in your case, this thread has no purpose here.

Stop spamming GFHH. You're like a fucking toddler, you know that?

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Eggs said:

Once upon a time there was a little boy who had his own sports forum, even though he was a troll and kind of not all there. One day, his arch-nemesis flooded his forum with spam. The little boy did the right thing and reported the flooding to the mods via PM, and the mods took care of it for him. And peace was restored to our little mountain town.

But apparently that wasn't enough for the little boy. Not satisfied with having his useless forum cleaned up for him (which takes time, and nobody is getting paid here), he decided to seek revenge and flood other forums in order to irritate said arch-nemesis. This flood of spam took even MORE time to clean up than the first one.

The mod gods were properly angered. Not just at the extra work, but at the slap in the face after just having done the little boy a favor. So the mod gods took away some of the little boy's privileges. Stay tuned to see if the little boy learns his lesson. Or if anyone gives a shit either way.

^Here's the deal nutsacks^. I'll give y'all the link too THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT under these conditions If I prove that my board exist. #1. you will not use your accounts (Loktar, jack, Vulpes Inculta) for 2 WEEKS. #2 You'll will express regret as an obsequious person (obsequious person? google it).

^PS: This agreement will not be finalized or established until I (CeeJay) say it is^ in other words chumps, It needs my approval.
You need to respond and get approved for this deal to be in full-effect. Baahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. Any other suckers/members who thinks I'm lying can join this deal as well. C'mon! take the challenge.

And Another Thang:

Since I'm unable to edit this post, I will not be guaranteeing 100% of this post. Just checking my ass if something goes a FOOT.

^The offer still stands. Put up or shut up.^