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What would you have me do? Its not as easy as it seems to integrate my online charm and personality into my real world socially awkward persona. Talking to someone online who is hundreds, maybe thousands of miles away(even if you know what they look like IRL) is easier than RL face to face interaction.

Make up your mind to do a certain thing. Then set forth to accomplish that. You will accomplish it, unless you are physically unable to do so, with a correct mindset. Accepting defeat because money or distance are difficult factors to overcome, well, it isn't smart.

You are currently time rich. Money and distance can be overcome. Use what you have at your disposal to supplement or assist you in your goal.

I'm battling alot of different illnesses, but although it may take time, I will be victorious in that battle, despite how weary I become fighting it or the length of that battle. You may think you are a "loser noob" and calling it straight. That is a self fulfilling prophecy.
Sorry if I preached at you, dude. The wife kicks my arse and makes me do something useful in a day. You don't really have that, someone to push you forward? I was trying to give you a little leg up....
I have my mom trying to push me forward. I did file for my unemployment Wednesday and I did clean the dishes and cook porkchops which I didn't get a chance to eat and won't until Saturday. Damn Lent. And yeah she did warn us we we're dining out too much and spending too much money so I have only have myself and rocktar to blame....I'll be in a better situation if I can get a job or get food stamps and my unemployment gets approved which ever happens first.

No worries....I'm glad I have someone caring enough to preach at me....sorry I make those pedo jokes....I'll try and lay off....contrary to apperances I do like you.