Body Found


I love you
I was just here 1 week ago. I skipped class, and ended up taking a drive and found this really awesome park and campground.
What if I saw something?!

CARNATION, Wash. (AP) - Hikers have found a body along a trail near a Carnation, Wash., park.
King County authorities were working to identify the body _ believed to be a woman _ found Thursday afternoon in the area of Tolt MacDonald Park in the Snoqualmie Valley.

(Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)


I love you
I saw a girl in the parking lot. She got back into her car. I thought, "She should not be out walking by herself"
Then I realized I too was out walking by myself.

I saw a guy walking, he looked at me. I looked at him.

I saw many couples and people camping, but did not make eye contact with them.

There were many people playing ball and many people watching in the park next door.

When I left I saw a guy taking off his shirt and putting on another shirt, I tried to not make eye contact with him, he had a big hairy white beard. It was gross, I was just trying to drive away at that point.


I love you
Here are some pictures I took on that day. There are more.




I want to smell dark matter
I can't see any bodies in those pictures, don't worry.


RIP 1970~2018
Murder does have a way of spoiling serenity to a certain extent. But you know what I always say - It is what it is.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (like murder)...etcetera etcetera.


RIP 1970~2018
The first picture looks like a giant chopping mechanism. Like some sort of darkly effective guillotine bridge.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm reminded of the night Gagh tried to dispose of me, and then I shouted I'M NOT DEAD. Then we went home and had tea.


beer, I want beer
True story. Couple years back I was passing a state park in NY with my son that had a great hiking trail running alongside a gorge and river. Nothing strenuous, just a long straight wooded path, relatively secluded but marked at every half-mile with a post. So we decided to get out and walk along it until such time as we got tired or bored. We did so for about forty-five minutes, making our way halfway down the gorge path before we decided to turn back at an overlook called Gardeau. There was a young couple just behind us who carried on hiking down the trail. They actually jumped the barrier and went climbing down the gorge to get to the river which was kinda dangerous right there. So we made our way back to the car and start to drive toward the exit when we see a shitload of cops rolling into the park and heading where we had just walked to, and we were first afraid one of the couple had fallen or gotten hurt. But when we got home we heard that some woman had driven her car into the gorge and killed herself literally a few yards from where we stopped. The young couple were the ones who found her when they went offtrail. I was pretty glad we turned around, not so much for me but I wouldn't have wanted the boy to see her...


Retired Account
I remember you telling this story before maybe at TKR.