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BP Oil Mess

Oh. That is Dork's board. I used to really like Dork. Then he told me he was only nice to me because Jack told him to be. I like that Jack looks out for me like that but if he is going to pick my friends, I'd like for him to pick me some rich, generous ones. I can make poor friends all by myself.
That is so grade school.

"Talk to her because she's my friend".

"Don't talk to her because she's not my friend".


About the oil spill. It really didn't become personal for me until I visited Sanibel Island on the gulf, recently. The place is spectacularly gorgeous, and it broke my heart to know that a big glob of oil is on it's way to ruining it. Tourism is also the major industry on the island. Less tourism, the more people are laid off due to lack of work.
So...if there is "unlimited liability" for oil drilling, how much extra should the oil companies add on to a gallon of gas to cover the insurance?

$10 a gallon to cover the "it might happen"?
(or more properly "It HAS happened and might again").

The silver lining: might make other forms of energy more Coal (because the atmosphere is already kinda brown in LA).
BP needs to be fired and the US needs to let the other countries (at least some of them) who have asked to help, help us. The Jones Act can be temporarily suspended, or just suspended in this case, if other countries have the technology and are willing to help clean this mess up. BP has done everything it can to hide how much oil is gushing into the gulf.. I don't even care if they are criminally prosecuted, they should be barred from operating in the US ever again.
^IMO, this is a catastrophe that should be dealt with on a global level - whoever might have an idea how keep those millions of gallons to spill into the sea should be allowed to help. In a crisis like this, any regulations hindering this or any questions of 'sovereignty' are, again imo, completely useless.
As for paying for this shit - my take on it is: Those having made money by drilling and using the oil rig also have to pay for the effects now that it has gone wrong. Simple costs-by-cause principle.
I case anyones interested, BP is looking for people to come down and help clean up the mess.

Henry Nickson of Tunica County called to let us know that a contractor out of Southhaven, MS, is looking for people to hire to work on the oil spill on the Gulf Coast. Mr. Nickson said the jobs pay $1,000 per week, plus lodging while away from home; and transportation to the Coast. Must work at least 30 days, off 1 week; work expected to continue for at least 2 years. Drug test is required (via blood draw). If you know anyone interested, please have them call Mr. Nickson at 662-541-0374. Office of Congressman Bennie G. Thompson, Mississippi Second Congressional District, P.O. Box 610, Bolton, MS, 39041.

For those that are interested, try giving them a call!
Less tourism, the more people are laid off due to lack of work.

They can help clean when thier shops close. I know what you mean tho Friday I was at a lake this weekend and just feeling fortunate to have some good water left and feeling sad. I wonder what this will do to the fishing/sea-food industry. And oil prices as Consumer said.

I am in the mindset that considering alternate forms of energy is a great idea no matter what.

There's a discussion here.

watch the oil spill

I don't agree with Pickle's reasoning that every human being is evil and should be shot. I accused him of being like Hitler before for having this mind set.

I agree that every human is fallible and no one is perfect, that does not mean we should all be shot. Are we destroying the planet, making mistakes, etc etc etc yes. But still-I just can't get my mind around a thought process like that.

P.S. I am totally thinking about re-locating seeing that I am not working right now. I could have a job.

BP's solution to the econmic crisis.
The more oil that washes up onto the beaches, the better. It is much easier to contain on land.
Oh. That is Dork's board. I used to really like Dork. Then he told me he was only nice to me because Jack told him to be. I like that Jack looks out for me like that but if he is going to pick my friends, I'd like for him to pick me some rich, generous ones. I can make poor friends all by myself.

Im a rich clown.
So...if there is "unlimited liability" for oil drilling, how much extra should the oil companies add on to a gallon of gas to cover the insurance?

$10 a gallon to cover the "it might happen"?
(or more properly "It HAS happened and might again").

The silver lining: might make other forms of energy more Coal (because the atmosphere is already kinda brown in LA).

Well Goose lets have no liability and leave the mess then. Im sure those people would like to have cheap gas.
Do you think $20 billion is enough to clean up the mess and make reparations to the people who have been damaged by this disaster?

Businesses that have been open for 100 years and longer have had to close their doors, lay people off. Will they recover? How much value do you put on a family business and local tradition?
Follow the money:

"Unlimited liability" makes the USA unattractive as an oil producer when you can drill elsewhere and not take the financial risk.

Therefore the USA doesn't have much of a domestic oil industry. Therefore we get it from somewhere else (wanna invade Venezuela?), along with the foreign policy headaches that that entails.

On the plus side, if we keep going with oil as an energy source we might actually preserve "proven" reserves for 50 years from now. China can buy it from us then (if they don't own us outright).

If the business case doesn't make sense, they won't drill here. That can be a good thing, that can be a bad thing.

Anyone for sailing?

The JP Morgan (pretty darn good bankers, don't you know) Round the Island race is spiffingly good fun, and those bankers really know how to put on a shindig!
Follow the money:

"Unlimited liability" makes the USA unattractive as an oil producer when you can drill elsewhere and not take the financial risk.

Therefore the USA doesn't have much of a domestic oil industry. Therefore we get it from somewhere else (wanna invade Venezuela?), along with the foreign policy headaches that that entails.

On the plus side, if we keep going with oil as an energy source we might actually preserve "proven" reserves for 50 years from now. China can buy it from us then (if they don't own us outright).

If the business case doesn't make sense, they won't drill here. That can be a good thing, that can be a bad thing.


So what your saying is I own a buffet restaurant and I have these customers that come in and they are always sneezing and they come up to the food area and sneeze on food which I have to throw away and replace and I have asked them in the past to carry snotrags which they refuse to do so I would be a bad business person if I asked them to put a deposit before they come into my restaurant which would be refunded if they did not sneeze on any food because they would eat at another restaraunt?