Troll Kingdom

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Brief me...

Blindgroping said:
Rear-ended were you?
No, ran into the dumb-fuck at the club. & my friends almost kicked his ass for acting like everything was still okay. He was actually kinda stalkerish about approaching me.

Laker_Girl said:
Hey Elena! How's it? Whatever you do don't post your picture for St. Luci, you're hot and you'll never shake that freak.
I'm fine, Honey. How are the kids? I trust that they are flourishing under your care?

& don't worry, I wasn't gonna post for the dual. I was just pointing out that he knew nothing and was continously proving it.

Other than that, I'm bored. Hence my 1st visit back to here in a while.
lady_elena_wf said:
P.S. Had the most interesting run in w/ an ex, again.

Which one? Was it AJ? Or was it S?

I was in your area a few days ago. Thought of dropping by, but I thought that'd be a bit stalker-like.
Kids are great they're with their mom now and things are fine between her and us. We see them at least a couple of times a week. My nephew just made Honor Roll again and he's being tested for the Gifted and Talented Education program. My niece is sassy and smart as ever so all's well. :) Thank you for asking.

I apologize to BG, I jumped the gun I didn't read Lady's whole post and thought...oh nevermind just I'm sorry.:(
Conchaga said:
Which one? Was it AJ? Or was it S?

I was in your area a few days ago. Thought of dropping by, but I thought that'd be a bit stalker-like.
It was S...AJ is busy trying to gloat about our past exploits in front of the new 1SG & everyone else at lunch on Drill weekends.

& sadly enough...I think that I would have liked to see you again. If only so that we could put this whole, for lack of a better word, drama behind us. & you coulda should still have my #. It's hard to be civil online or on the phone. But the whole call before you drop by would have been appropriate.

& LG? I'm sure that the end days are coming...YOu just apologized in public. :shock: I'm sure BG will die thinking about how worth it, all the suffering will be just to have that in writing.
lady_elena_wf said:
& LG? I'm sure that the end days are coming...YOu just apologized in public. :shock: I'm sure BG will die thinking about how worth it, all the suffering will be just to have that in writing.[/COLOR][/B]

I apologized to you in public. I'm a bitch but I'm not above admitting when I'm wrong.
Blindgroping said:
Pudding wrestling?

You are so fucking fat if two bitches were wrestling naked (especially a couple of ugly cunts from this site) in tpudding, you would simply yell 'get out of my way bitches! Yer in mah food!!'. You would then proceed to eat all the pudding straight out of the vat. You know all women are completely and utterly out of your league so you resort to your hand AND food as replacements.
SaintLucifer said:
You are so fucking fat if two bitches were wrestling naked (especially a couple of ugly cunts from this site) in tpudding, you would simply yell 'get out of my way bitches! Yer in mah food!!'. You would then proceed to eat all the pudding straight out of the vat. You know all women are completely and utterly out of your league so you resort to your hand AND food as replacements.

You need to start putting some thought into your insults BEFORE you post them.
I'm still thinking about de-briefing the fair lady.

Damn, you geeks need to get laid OCCASIONALLY
jack said:
I'm still thinking about de-briefing the fair lady.

Damn, you geeks need to get laid OCCASIONALLY

This from a guy who has become most familiary with his hand? What of the 'geeks' moniker? I took that test from the other thread and I should like to point out I failed it miserably since my results state I am from another century. Perhaps you should like to test yourself and post the results yes?
No doubt you have a fat bitch of a girlfriend whom you fuck on occasion. This does not constitute 'getting laid' since any male upon this planet could land a fat, ugly cow. Why do you think in my city of Toronto everywhere I look black males are dating white women? What amazes me is that those very same black males actually see fit to brag about this fact. The white women they brag about are not someone a typical white male wishes to be seen with. They are usually incredibly fat with dyed-blonde hair (nigger males will not touch anything that is not blonde) and ugly brown eyes. They are typically ugly beyond belief with bloated cheeks and heavy acne. Ah but to a nigger these women are GODDESSES simply because they are WHITE. Niggers do not care how badly their white bitches look as long as they may upgrade their social standing amongst their darkie peers by simply saying 'I have a white bitch yo!'. Oftentimes they neglect to mention how fucking ugly their white bitches are, the fact they 'have' a white bitch remains.
SaintLucifer said:
This from a guy who has become most familiary with his hand? What of the 'geeks' moniker? I took that test from the other thread and I should like to point out I failed it miserably since my results state I am from another century. Perhaps you should like to test yourself and post the results yes?
No doubt you have a fat bitch of a girlfriend whom you fuck on occasion. This does not constitute 'getting laid' since any male upon this planet could land a fat, ugly cow. Why do you think in my city of Toronto everywhere I look black males are dating white women? What amazes me is that those very same black males actually see fit to brag about this fact. The white women they brag about are not someone a typical white male wishes to be seen with. They are usually incredibly fat with dyed-blonde hair (nigger males will not touch anything that is not blonde) and ugly brown eyes. They are typically ugly beyond belief with bloated cheeks and heavy acne. Ah but to a nigger these women are GODDESSES simply because they are WHITE. Niggers do not care how badly their white bitches look as long as they may upgrade their social standing amongst their darkie peers by simply saying 'I have a white bitch yo!'. Oftentimes they neglect to mention how fucking ugly their white bitches are, the fact they 'have' a white bitch remains.
That's it. You are crazy. There is no alternative. You are, after all, Canadian, and it's obvious how crazy Canadians are. Besides acting like retards on message boards, they pollute their own land and are taking part in an active attempt to disrupt Inuit culture and holdings. You should all commit mass suicide because you all stink like poo poo kaa kaa. If I were to make a list of all the things Canadians fuck up on, such as a lack of commas and paragraph structure, it would reach past Neptune for fuck's sake. Canadians are bad and you know it. America is a much better neighbor than Canada because you can mooch off America, unlike Canada, which is nothing more than a little province in the American Empire. Canadians should start paying more tribute to the Empire, like my country. Why don't they? Because they are stoopid.
Messenger said:
That's it. You are crazy. There is no alternative. You are, after all, Canadian, and it's obvious how crazy Canadians are. Besides acting like retards on message boards, they pollute their own land and are taking part in an active attempt to disrupt Inuit culture and holdings. You should all commit mass suicide because you all stink like poo poo kaa kaa. If I were to make a list of all the things Canadians fuck up on, such as a lack of commas and paragraph structure, it would reach past Neptune for fuck's sake. Canadians are bad and you know it. America is a much better neighbor than Canada because you can mooch off America, unlike Canada, which is nothing more than a little province in the American Empire. Canadians should start paying more tribute to the Empire, like my country. Why don't they? Because they are stoopid.

Oooh. His self-control has finally collapsed, and with a loud bang I might add. *ROTFLMAO @ 'poo poo kaa kaa'*. We Canadians pollute our own land yet Americans are squeaky-clean in this regard? *ROTFLMAO*. We just gave the Inuit their own territory (google NUNAVUT), a territory that is far larger than any US state. You were saying?? I daresay the Inuit are a bunch of hypocrites. Remember, I lived in the city of Yellowknife located in our Northwest Territories. This means I lived amongst the Inuit. They are the most-pathetic people I have ever met in my entire life. They are drunk 24/7 (The Question would do well to become familiar with these people as he shares much in common with them) and they are pigs. Most of the towns and hamlets in our Northwest Territories have banned the sale of liquor outright due to the Inuit constantly getting drunk day in and day out. Ironically enough, the white man did not institute this law. The Inuit did. *ROTFLMAO*. I still recall when I was in an arcade (I had only been there for one week) the Inuit (I was the only white individual in there) kept gawking at me as if to say 'how dare he come in here'. One of the male Inuit came up to me and demanded to know what I was doing there. I smiled, calmly puffed on my ciggy and asked 'what the fuck is it to you?'. They approached me menacingly. I merely spat onto the ground in front of the ringleader and said 'come one step closer and I am taking you out, I do not give a fuck how many of you there are.' Fucker shat his pants right there on the spot and backed away. Then he proceeded to tell me that perhaps I should go to a bar if I wanted to be someplace. Ironic that an Inuit would suggest I visit a bar at 12:30 in the afternoon. *ROTFLMAO*. The others kept staring at me and basically gave me challenging looks. I returned the same look. Seems they were insulted by my presence. I took it in stride whilst playing one of the video games. They were stunned that I still refused to leave the place even after they all gave me challenging looks. They had no clue. One of the Inuit girls (damn she was gorgeous) comes up to me and demands to know where I was from. I told her I hailed from Toronto. Immediately the looks changed from hatred and loathing to one of fear. Absolute, complete fear. They never, ever bothered me again after this. Another day I was at a coffee shop peacefully enjoying a coffee. Fucking drunk fucker of an Inuit staggers over to my table, demands a cigarette from me whereupon I tell him to 'fuck off'. He proceeded to ignore me and grabbed my pack of cigarettes whilst muttering 'come on just one just one just one'. Fucking drunk injun. I calmly reached out, grabbed the fucker's wrist and twisted it all the way around. He screamed. The owner of the coffee shop, who was white ran over to me and yelled at me to stop hurting the fucker. I acquiesced. Fucker stumbles out of the coffee shop like the individual who had received a good ass-kicking. I finished my coffee, walked up to the counter whereupon the fucking owner gives me shit for hurting the goddamn drunk injun. I could scarcely believe what I was hearing since the fucking owner was WHITE. He then asks me where I hailed from: Edmonton or Calgary? I told him Toronto. Again that horrified look up someone's face after I named my home city. I was puzzled as he muttered aloud 'that explains it'. I found out later this was a direct result of many ass-kickings the natives received after fucking with people who were from Toronto. Seems those from our province of Alberta (for those who do not know their geography, it is a neighbour of our Northwest Territories) treated the 'natives' with *cough* respect. I laughed so fucking hard when I heard this my stomach was killing me. I shall never forget walking out the front entrance to my apartment building only to see a body lying face down in the snow. I told the fucking landlord to call the police. The RCMP arrives. One of the officers approaches the body, gently kicks it then shoves it over. It turns out the 'body' was a fucking drunk 14 year old Inuit boy. I was stunned when the officer told me this happens EVERY DAY. Considering the size of Yellowknife (pop. 15,000 people) it had one of the largest detox centers ever seen. *ROTFLMAO*. Yes. You be proud of the fucking Inuit. I would not care if they died en masse. All of their problems are of their own making, not ours. Their own chiefs were caught making off with billions of dollars. When they were put in jails as a result of stealing from their own people, those very same people they robbed from screamed 'racism' at our government. WTF?? In Yellowknife, the Inuit live in homes paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT, they drive around in brand-new pickup trucks paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT with brand-new, sleek and expensive snomobiles in the truck beds paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT. These same fuckers do not work a day in their lives, use up all of our resources, pay no taxes, drink themselves into a fucking stupor every day yet they have the fucking nerve to blame us for all of their problems? When I was living in Yellowknife, I would have liked to have a home paid for by the government, a fucking brand-new truck and snowmobile paid for by the fucking government. People like that need to shut the fuck up lest they receive a beating they shall never soon forget. They should be glad I am not the leader of this country. I would have never allowed one cent of the taxpayer's money to reach them.

Canada mooches from the USA? *ROTFLMAO*. How is this so? We have never in our entire existence received any form of monetary 'aid' from the USA simply because we have never needed it. Our dollar was worth far more than the US dollar in the 60s and 70s until the fucking Liberal Party of Canada introduced socialist programs which destroyed our economy for a short period of time. Nowadays our economy chugs along just fine. Sure the 60s and 70s ridiculous spending sprees left our nation in debt but we got out of it in time thanks to the Conservative Party of Canada who do not spend like fucking drunken sailors. Remember one thing, Canada is entirely self-sufficient. The USA is not. You need to import your energy requirements. We do not. Our Northwest Territories alone have more natural resources than your entire COUNTRY does. What do we need you for? What American Empire? Where is this alleged American Empire? You own no territory other than your own country. People keep mentioning this phantom American Empire yet I have never seen any such. Is it invisible? Keep 'mooching' our oil you prick. If you fuck with us enough, we simply shut off the flow of oil to your country. As a result, we could bring the entire USA completely to its knees and you know it. Our province of Quebec alone has more hydro-electric resources than all other nations COMBINED do. Why would they need you? Where do you think your northeastern states receive their power from? Why do you think Canada decided not to remove our link to your hydro grid? Too much money was being made selling you our power. Currently, the USA owes Canada just for NAFTA penalties alone over $4 billion. Then we have the cash you owe us for supplying California the energy it needed when it kept suffering blackouts and brownouts. WE have yet to be paid because California is running a deficit, as usual. That is about another $2 billion right there for total of $6 billion just from two sources. Why the fuck will you not pay us?? Who is mooching off who? The USA owes us another $1 billion for fresh-water supplies. Total = $7 billion. That could help pay for our fucking healthcare system although the fucking provinces would squabble over who gets what fucking share. You have been PWned yet again you fucking moron. Now shut the fuck up and run along to momma's welcoming arms so that you may cry like the bitch you are.
SaintLucifer said:
Oooh. His self-control has finally collapsed, and with a loud bang I might add. *ROTFLMAO @ 'poo poo kaa kaa'*. We Canadians pollute our own land yet Americans are squeaky-clean in this regard? *ROTFLMAO*. We just gave the Inuit their own territory (google NUNAVUT), a territory that is far larger than any US state. You were saying?? I daresay the Inuit are a bunch of hypocrites. Remember, I lived in the city of Yellowknife located in our Northwest Territories. This means I lived amongst the Inuit. They are the most-pathetic people I have ever met in my entire life. They are drunk 24/7 (The Question would do well to become familiar with these people as he shares much in common with them) and they are pigs. Most of the towns and hamlets in our Northwest Territories have banned the sale of liquor outright due to the Inuit constantly getting drunk day in and day out. Ironically enough, the white man did not institute this law. The Inuit did. *ROTFLMAO*. I still recall when I was in an arcade (I had only been there for one week) the Inuit (I was the only white individual in there) kept gawking at me as if to say 'how dare he come in here'. One of the male Inuit came up to me and demanded to know what I was doing there. I smiled, calmly puffed on my ciggy and asked 'what the fuck is it to you?'. They approached me menacingly. I merely spat onto the ground in front of the ringleader and said 'come one step closer and I am taking you out, I do not give a fuck how many of you there are.' Fucker shat his pants right there on the spot and backed away. Then he proceeded to tell me that perhaps I should go to a bar if I wanted to be someplace. Ironic that an Inuit would suggest I visit a bar at 12:30 in the afternoon. *ROTFLMAO*. The others kept staring at me and basically gave me challenging looks. I returned the same look. Seems they were insulted by my presence. I took it in stride whilst playing one of the video games. They were stunned that I still refused to leave the place even after they all gave me challenging looks. They had no clue. One of the Inuit girls (damn she was gorgeous) comes up to me and demands to know where I was from. I told her I hailed from Toronto. Immediately the looks changed from hatred and loathing to one of fear. Absolute, complete fear. They never, ever bothered me again after this. Another day I was at a coffee shop peacefully enjoying a coffee. Fucking drunk fucker of an Inuit staggers over to my table, demands a cigarette from me whereupon I tell him to 'fuck off'. He proceeded to ignore me and grabbed my pack of cigarettes whilst muttering 'come on just one just one just one'. Fucking drunk injun. I calmly reached out, grabbed the fucker's wrist and twisted it all the way around. He screamed. The owner of the coffee shop, who was white ran over to me and yelled at me to stop hurting the fucker. I acquiesced. Fucker stumbles out of the coffee shop like the individual who had received a good ass-kicking. I finished my coffee, walked up to the counter whereupon the fucking owner gives me shit for hurting the goddamn drunk injun. I could scarcely believe what I was hearing since the fucking owner was WHITE. He then asks me where I hailed from: Edmonton or Calgary? I told him Toronto. Again that horrified look up someone's face after I named my home city. I was puzzled as he muttered aloud 'that explains it'. I found out later this was a direct result of many ass-kickings the natives received after fucking with people who were from Toronto. Seems those from our province of Alberta (for those who do not know their geography, it is a neighbour of our Northwest Territories) treated the 'natives' with *cough* respect. I laughed so fucking hard when I heard this my stomach was killing me. I shall never forget walking out the front entrance to my apartment building only to see a body lying face down in the snow. I told the fucking landlord to call the police. The RCMP arrives. One of the officers approaches the body, gently kicks it then shoves it over. It turns out the 'body' was a fucking drunk 14 year old Inuit boy. I was stunned when the officer told me this happens EVERY DAY. Considering the size of Yellowknife (pop. 15,000 people) it had one of the largest detox centers ever seen. *ROTFLMAO*. Yes. You be proud of the fucking Inuit. I would not care if they died en masse. All of their problems are of their own making, not ours. Their own chiefs were caught making off with billions of dollars. When they were put in jails as a result of stealing from their own people, those very same people they robbed from screamed 'racism' at our government. WTF?? In Yellowknife, the Inuit live in homes paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT, they drive around in brand-new pickup trucks paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT with brand-new, sleek and expensive snomobiles in the truck beds paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT. These same fuckers do not work a day in their lives, use up all of our resources, pay no taxes, drink themselves into a fucking stupor every day yet they have the fucking nerve to blame us for all of their problems? When I was living in Yellowknife, I would have liked to have a home paid for by the government, a fucking brand-new truck and snowmobile paid for by the fucking government. People like that need to shut the fuck up lest they receive a beating they shall never soon forget. They should be glad I am not the leader of this country. I would have never allowed one cent of the taxpayer's money to reach them.

Canada mooches from the USA? *ROTFLMAO*. How is this so? We have never in our entire existence received any form of monetary 'aid' from the USA simply because we have never needed it. Our dollar was worth far more than the US dollar in the 60s and 70s until the fucking Liberal Party of Canada introduced socialist programs which destroyed our economy for a short period of time. Nowadays our economy chugs along just fine. Sure the 60s and 70s ridiculous spending sprees left our nation in debt but we got out of it in time thanks to the Conservative Party of Canada who do not spend like fucking drunken sailors. Remember one thing, Canada is entirely self-sufficient. The USA is not. You need to import your energy requirements. We do not. Our Northwest Territories alone have more natural resources than your entire COUNTRY does. What do we need you for? What American Empire? Where is this alleged American Empire? You own no territory other than your own country. People keep mentioning this phantom American Empire yet I have never seen any such. Is it invisible? Keep 'mooching' our oil you prick. If you fuck with us enough, we simply shut off the flow of oil to your country. As a result, we could bring the entire USA completely to its knees and you know it. Our province of Quebec alone has more hydro-electric resources than all other nations COMBINED do. Why would they need you? Where do you think your northeastern states receive their power from? Why do you think Canada decided not to remove our link to your hydro grid? Too much money was being made selling you our power. Currently, the USA owes Canada just for NAFTA penalties alone over $4 billion. Then we have the cash you owe us for supplying California the energy it needed when it kept suffering blackouts and brownouts. WE have yet to be paid because California is running a deficit, as usual. That is about another $2 billion right there for total of $6 billion just from two sources. Why the fuck will you not pay us?? Who is mooching off who? The USA owes us another $1 billion for fresh-water supplies. Total = $7 billion. That could help pay for our fucking healthcare system although the fucking provinces would squabble over who gets what fucking share. You have been PWned yet again you fucking moron. Now shut the fuck up and run along to momma's welcoming arms so that you may cry like the bitch you are.
Yeah, I agree. Lucy definitely is vaginalike. No offense to those who actually possess one.