Brits getting dumber, middle class children adopting CHAV culture may be to blame.

says the guy who's greatest achievement is a so called pwning of tv...yeah erm...go get some sunshine...

Where might I find this 'sunshine' you speak of so cryptically?

Nothing 'so-called' about my PWNage of TV, AND it is not even close to a great achievement. It was rather a simple one... for me.
Hey Luci..

[ame=""]YouTube - your mothers got a penis[/ame]
'Dear'? I knew you were a faggot. Please be advised that not only am I against faggotry, but my method of dealing with homosexuality is to destroy it via firing squads. AFter all, I AM a Nazi.

sigh. again british is also lost on you. im happy for your angst ridden views, obviously some issues there , if only someone cared enough to find out. I couldnt careless about your views, of course you will respond to this post. You want my acceptance dont you. go on post back you cant resist,you want us all to see how mighty you are. You bore me one trick pony.
Ah... TrollKingdom. Living the dream of "Customers: maybe if we ignore them long enough, they'll leave us alone." :bergman: