
I want to smell dark matter
- Galactica catches on fire after it jumps in and the first ten minutes is just Cottle's nurse running about with a fire-extinguisher putting it out. Then she burns to death and sad music plays.

- There's a really creepy flashback showing Boomer and the Chief having sex before the fall and Helo watching them hiding behind some towels, gently masturbating.

- Seelix and Hot Dog crash into each other in their vipers and die.

- Racetrack joins Baltar's cult and there's a ten minute sex session between them after which Baltar says "my God, we need to help Galactica!" and they hijack the ring ship to save the day, but they have the wrong jump coordinates and end up at the REAL Earth and land and GOD appears to them (played by Morgan Freeman surprisingly) and explains that they are Adam and Eve and will start a new human race.

- But Skulls stowed away on their ship and shoots Balatar and HE gets to be Adam and Racetrack looks sad.

- Adama stops in the middle of the battle to repair his model ship for ten minutes.

- Lee dies 23 minutes into the episode and is never mentioned again.

- Starbuck finds out she had a twin sister and it was her who died on Earth.

- Anders explodes.

- Cavil tickels Hera's little feet and calls off Simon as the simple joy of tickling a little girl's little feet has made him love humanity. But Simon shoots him. But then Athena shoots Simon. Then Hera shoots Athena and giggles.

- Roslin has a 15 minute death scene during which she admits she "made that whole opera house thing up" so that's never explained and also reveals she never really loved Adama.

- Tigh isn't in the episode at all for some reason.

- The chief and Tori hav sex and right as he cums she says "by the way I killed Cally" and he just shrugs.

- The episode ends with Galactica being sucked into the black hole and when it comes out the other side it's blue for some reason. Fade to black.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
lol.. Wacky's predictions are surprisingly accurate.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
Although some developments were even wackier.