By way of introduction


Registered User
Vitriol Trollsbane, at your service.

Of course by "service" I mean I'll be mocking, denegrating and taunting you. It's nothing personal so don't get all emo and hurt yourselves or anything.

I simply don't give a fuck about you, anybody you know, or anything about which you care and hold dear. At best your brittle little feelings and tepid desires might amuse me... but most likely I'll find them rubbish worth only a passing sarcastic remark.

I'm sure we'll be friends, right?


Registered User
You came here.

Thanks Capt. Obvious... some of the really slow people here probably needed that clarification. For the rest of us, however, it made you look a complete twat.

If it's actually your job to point these things out for the mentally handicapped contingent I do apologize for calling you a twat... in that case you're merely a pathetic 'tard wrangler.

We're getting along already, just as I said we would.
You feel the love? I do.


Registered User
Good morning, Cunt... looks like it's just you and me?

Shame. I don't generally give the time of day to repetetive fuckheads.
Ah well... can't be too choosey when scraping the bottom of the internet barrel, eh?

I know- why not use your talent for squawking out useless information and tell me what the fuck this place is about? Is there some common thread that holds together all the gimpwits here? Any IQs above room temperature lurking in the wings? Dear gawds I do so hope there are more interesting people arriving soon.

No particular offense meant toward you, Cunt.
I mean you must already know you're complete shite at making conversation, eh? Not telling you a fucking secret, I'm sure.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Is that supposed to be some sort of flame attempt? You have to forgive me, when anyone starts out with the "Mary Queen Of Scots" bullshit I get bored quickly.


Registered User
Is that supposed to be some sort of flame attempt?

No, Skippy... I leave those off for the deserving.
What I'm doing here is killing time by watching you mutts chase your tails and occasionally throwing out a "Get it, boy!" whenever you look to be slowing your gyrations.

You have to forgive me, when anyone starts out with the "Mary Queen Of Scots" bullshit I get bored quickly.

I've found that people who immediately pull the "I'm bored" card out of their ass are usually attempting to mitigate what they know will be their utter failure to entertain. When laughed at or brushed off they invariably blame their lack of pizzazz on "being bored".

So, why don't we just skip to the part where I tell you to go fuck yourself?
That way you can fake a yawn, say something stupid and go back to... whatever the hell it is you do.

Oh- and send in the next clown, please.
Eventually I should be able to find at least one who isn't half asleep or imitating a broken record.
Color me optimistic.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Who the fuck is "skippy"? Is that the peanut butter you spread on your dick so your dog can do the work?

I'm thinking so, based on you're rather pathetic attempt at whatever you call this.


beer, I want beer
That's the spirit new fish. You picked a great target too. You should continue to fuck with jack because he gives up easily and you might even make him cry. Also our most elite lords of mockery claim membership in New Age Posting. You should join that clique from what I've seen so far you're perfect for that level of comedy.


beer, I want beer
Uh-oh looks like Vitriol went nappy-time. Premature evacuation lol. Sorry, Vitty, looks like you got a stamina problem. Try thinking of baseball next time.
Vitriol Trollsbane, at your service.

Of course by "service" I mean I'll be mocking, denegrating and taunting you. It's nothing personal so don't get all emo and hurt yourselves or anything.

I simply don't give a fuck about you, anybody you know, or anything about which you care and hold dear. At best your brittle little feelings and tepid desires might amuse me... but most likely I'll find them rubbish worth only a passing sarcastic remark.

I'm sure we'll be friends, right?

Welcome to Trollkingdom.



Registered User
Who the fuck is "skippy"?

Rather I call you "kid", or "sonny", or maybe "peewee" would be more to your liking? The way you keep tugging on my sleeve with that "Gee Wally, is this flamin'?" bullshit you're just lucky I'm not calling you "Beav".

Get over it.


Registered User
Also our most elite lords of mockery claim membership in New Age Posting. You should join that clique from what I've seen so far you're perfect for that level of comedy.

Never heard of it.
There are these things on teh internets called "links" you can place in articles so people can just click and go see what the fuck you're talking about.

Look into it, there's a good lad.