Cacophony needs a man


Grand Wizard of TK
Sadly it seems love could not blossom for Cacophony and Lord Raffles so now Cacophony needs some quickly regrettable rebound action from the TK dating pool.

So far we know Cacophony is in her late teens, is most likely a girl, enjoys the romantic company of over the top inflated trolls, and since she hooked up with Raffles we can assume she's lonely and desperate for attention.

Any volunteers?


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Moo :D


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Are you a size queen?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Grandtheftcow said:
I'm automatically disqualified BTW cause I started the thread so no moo

Not to mention the fact that he's a cow and that shit is only legal in Europe. And Arkansas.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Grandtheftcow said:
Have her take this test.

Your Score: Average Cool Girl

You Rode The Big One! You're 13% Ultimate Size-Queen and 18 Compatible with a sensitive well-hung man!!

You like your men bigger than average but the thought of a genuine 8" or more is still a little frightening. But you could be, as the header says, very cool. [If you strongly agree or disagree with your result, have any extra questions for or about the test, or just want to chat, please message me and I guarantee a reply]

I'm not too sure about that :p


I'll need to see pix of Cacophony before I decide.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Lord Raffles said: someone jumping on my drama?
Get the fuck out.

This is a thread dedicated to ME.


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
I thought they just made that stuff illegal in Washington, bad dog :bigass:

Hey Cacophony-- I'll trim the lilac bushes ;)


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Oh dear :p