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Call for intel on Temple of Set - Order of Anubis - Symbology etc

minute 139 begins to discuss the spirits recognising the spirits. Then he makes mention of various battles between the spirits and their cults, or groupings of practitioners.


This is something very pertinant with Lebanon and the work I get up to there, which I am pretty sure this iswhat its all about, all this stuff Im encountering in increasing depth
which is producing a progressive understanding and wisdom with the honing of some highly unique skills and expertese; despite my desire and whole hearted commitment to live a very boring, normal, standard life.

With the Mid East, Ive always noticed the connection with the violence and various ancient areas of religious practice, which were continued/built on by succedding civilizations, which in Lebanon can be traced right back to cave men, the troglodytes.

There are areas in Lebanon which are said to contain evidence of continued habbitation by humans and their civilizations since the dawn of time; with the same areas of religious practices bieng used by each of them, recycled so to speak, simply upgrading the joint each time a new civilization kicks off. The same areas and the same spiritual territories.
Now there is a theory regarding the Trogs and this region in the mid east. Its said that it is the area and place where the nephelim giants survived the flood, by getting into
the deep subteranian catatombes.
Also the whole thing with african americans getting into the whole alien thing, chosen bloodlines, black Jesus, eqyptology, also links to the troglodytes - cave men, who were really the special race of of people, with the special blueblood lines, which they say is why blacks have been persecuted, because they are the special people and one day everyones gonna know it by their display of supernatural power.

Ive noticed since I first started learning of the region, that the continuous war and bloodshed seemed to be some form of 'feasting' feeding the energy, feeding of the spirits, with the perpetual violence seeming to indicate a form of renewing of the contracts along with the feeding.
Regional locations I noticed were also key. An example is of baal temples, where child sacrifice was an integral ritual. Now those areas are exclusively held by hezbollah, who highly respect the notion of creating child and young warriors. I know many others do to, but I noticed this connection tot he regional areas and the open policy and commitment on creating child soldiers.

During and after watchng the conjuring film, I began to learn much more about the relationship between land and spirit and the perpetual bloodshed which occurs in certain areas, spiritual territory.
Additionally, the location of Mount Hermon also crosses and shares the regional boundary of Lebanon, Israel and Syria - all 3 of them have a bit of Mount Hermon. This is the mountian mentioned in the book of Enoch where the watchers/fallen angels would move to and from the earth, apparently he saw them doing it there.

Some further information, is the assad family changed their family name when they began to gain power within their alawait community, which are islamic outcasts and viewed as infidels. The original family name is translated to 'The Beast" and they changed it to Al Asaad, meaning 'The Lion', which is still a beast reference, but a nicer one lol

Something which just occured to me while writing this, is the word of the tribe/sect/religious community known as the alawait and who both Shia and Sunni Islam consider to be infidels of the worst kind, since they claim to be islamic. They are seen as tribe of sin, a tribe of the haram, forbidden blasphemous things.
Al means The in arabic, and the english language origins of the word wait is watch - comes from those who were watchmen on the city walls, so using a combination of arabic and english, you could say alawaits = the watchers or even alla's watchers.......fucking interesting play on words.

Could this be indicating the legend around he assad family having nephelim blood has something to it? The assad family prides itself on the legend, as it strengthens their ideas and propaganda that they are divinely appointed to rule syria and none else can do it. Just like with saddam, they too are not faith or religious bound to do the righty but the people, so their method of rulership is one of keeping the dogs in the pitts, fighting. Guarenteed bloodshed.
Please post if you know of any more of those highly revealing vids Gear ;)
And no worries, Im in no danger of having some dameon child which gets sacrificed. I have rules for men who want to hang out with me - No relationships, No falling in love, No stalking.
Just look at what poor Sephy went through :xoSephxo:

Its funny though, coz despite these rules and he - as a man is being quite respectful of them, the spirit driving him is most certainly not. making jokes about making beautiful 'mixed' babies to sell on 'the market', never heard of interacial being described as 'mixed' before; mixed is usually used as a reference to philosophy, knowledge, spirit stuff being mixed.
And hes also been trying to get me into doing sex magic with him...yawn. He rekons he wants to create spiritual things with the sex magic.
He said his flatmate has been giving him shit, questioning whats going on with this girl hes met & even saying he's pussy whipped; I told him that sounds really funny, considering ur not getting any...why would your flatmate get that idea? Or is he noticing your 'focus'??
I found their little book, the ruby tablet of set,
The order of anubis wear a gold anubis with a ruby eye, initiation consists of a concoction of stuff including an eye signifying the eye of horus.

I got spotted and followed thorugh the city by a full blown cannibilistic lucifarian illuminist, whos all hooked up with various politicians running the place and these other fucking
'entertainers' of bullshit. Now wonder the world is fucked up, no wonder the gov is as corrupt as it is, no wonder west papua is still being slaughtered and indige have no rights and nothing ever gets fucking done, the cannables are in control!

Im so pissed off!!!
Now im fousing on the anubis peeps, they seem to be the most secretive &im gonna try and count how many 'personalities' i can identify in this mofo

We have been on the defensive for thousands of years. Now we must also become offensive
in the Guardianship of the Black Flame, the Temple of Set, which we were Gifted with by
Set, the many-faceted Black Star! Become the Principle Form within you. Picture this form
pawing at the ground, snorting fire and ammoniac fumes. Release the Dragon from its cage,
and fiercely protect and Guard the Treasure which you possess but do not own. You can only
gain interest on and increase this Treasure by sharing it with other Setians, the potential
Setians as well as the Setians already in the Temple of Set! "That which you see" will be Set,
as a part of You and XEM!

Benign and malignant, I Guarded.

"Be" Orm and "do it." Guard and instill in all Setians the urgency of their Work, and stress the
value and need for them to be Guardians of the Temple of Set, the Aeon of Set, along with the
Great Treasure which will truly be ours if and when we accomplish the Great Work.

Guardian, Orm, be fierce and terrible in your destruction of the enemies of Set. Be on Guard
against the smallest threat of their cancer. Mercilessly, put them out of existence!

Look upon me.

Take another look at yourself, and another, and another. Look upon the Form that you have
Become, see and study and "see" YOU! All of you! Ask yourself, "Do I see Set in me?" "Can
I see Xem in the distance ~ is it nearer than the last time I looked upon me?" "Is there one
more brush stroke or ten or a thousand that will make Me more recognizable in the picture
and bring me that much nearer to Xem?"

You have Known me in ages past,
and shall Know me in ages to come.

You have known the I AM in your Self, experienced the Me through the Knowledge of Set,
lived the Me with the Great Wisdom of Set, in Ages Past. I say, you "shall" know me in ages
to come because, "not having memory of the future," I don't know if you "WILL." Will you?
Learn from the past and pave the Way so that the Potential Setian of the future will learn from
you! Don't linger so much in the past or the future that may never be, that you lose sight of the
present. A war may go on for months or years. A five-star general can plan for either
eventuality, but he does not know. One thing he knows for sure and that is, he can never lose
sight of the battle of the HERE and NOW or he will have 100% casualties; the war will be
ended but so will his army, including himself. Another important strategy is to look upon the
enemy and know them enough to be able to recognize and defeat them.

I am Deathless and Elect.

The "I am" which makes you "Elect" will always be "deathless" in you, and the Temple of
Set, IF you continue to give It "life," Working with Set to develop the Black Flame within you
and other Setians, Work and Guard and Work until we accomplish the Great Work and have
reached Xem. Being Elect means to know, accept, use, and practice the Black Flame, the
Great Knowledge, the Great Gift of Set; otherwise, it will die out, crumble in the dust of
nothingness. These are some of the facts the ancients lost sight of — we must be on guard not
to copy their mistakes and prevent the most horrible death of all.

I Guard. I Guard Forever.

Forever Guard against the pitfalls of mediocrity in Your Work. Ensure the preservation of the
Temple of Set by eternally Guarding against the non-use and mis-use of the Great Gifts of
Set. Be zealously vigilant in safeguarding the "Black Thrones" of all Setians against any
possibility of vulnerability by those who are just as zealous in their efforts to dis-throne us. Be
on the alert and direct your surveillance to any latent cunning duplicity "within the ranks" and
hasten to act, if and when you see it, to assure and ensure the continued flow of the influence
of the Black Flame. Learn, teach and learn! Perpetually Guard, without exception, your
Guardianship and you will eternally Guard the Temple of Set. Do It, Orm, Do It!
Please post if you know of any more of those highly revealing vids Gear ;)
And no worries, Im in no danger of having some dameon child which gets sacrificed. I have rules for men who want to hang out with me - No relationships, No falling in love, No stalking.

I know you aren't. The baby is symbolic. As is the blood on the backs of the worshippers prostrated by the word. The child who isn't devoured at the table of the old time mighty leaves nothing but feathers? You know it.

Its funny though, coz despite these rules and he - as a man is being quite respectful of them, the spirit driving him is most certainly not. making jokes about making beautiful 'mixed' babies to sell on 'the market', never heard of interacial being described as 'mixed' before; mixed is usually used as a reference to philosophy, knowledge, spirit stuff being mixed.
And hes also been trying to get me into doing sex magic with him...yawn. He rekons he wants to create spiritual things with the sex magic.
He said his flatmate has been giving him shit, questioning whats going on with this girl hes met & even saying he's pussy whipped; I told him that sounds really funny, considering ur not getting any...why would your flatmate get that idea? Or is he noticing your 'focus'??

He seeks some combination of three. Subconsciously we all do. If there is God, then we are he, she and other. God is three. The trinity idea is a younger, borrowed, bastardized version of what we live. However, we can't know it. I mean, I _know_, but my conviction in intellectual. I'm slave to my reason. The bitch of it is I know it and can't do anything about it. None of us can. That's the real trick. Fucking mortal coil bullshit.
The ruby tablet refers to the order of anubis as anpu, and i found way more using this search term.

djfhlavbvbt7a498vbtum59;6; they are fucking vampires!!!

"The House of Anpu International is an Organization that educates the public about the true information on Vampyrism. We teach the Asetian Vampryism religious system (as described in the book "Asetian Bible"), and Egyptian Mysteries. We learn from all religious and faith based systems, and ask that you keep an open mind. All are welcomed. "
A remark on the available Asetian knowledge.

Just a small note directly from the Aset Ka to anyone seriously and maturely seeking the true Asetian knowledge.

There is no Asetian or anyone directly involved with the work, teachings and projects from the Aset Ka exposing or debating information related with magick, vampirism or spirituality, anywhere outside of the Order's internal and official network, temples and havens.
This is the first rule of thumb for those that are new to this kind of knowledge and are interested in developing themselves spiritually or metaphysically, to focus on the importance to stay out of all the fuss and noise that always wanders around the Aset Ka thematics and everywhere where Asetianism is mentioned or debated.
For your own evolution, stay away from the majority of the nullity that can be found around the subject and keep a strong, decided, unshakable Will towards Illumination.
There are no Asetian products being sold in stores, there are no Order members making comments in forums and there are no publicly accessible Aset Ka havens. Do not let yourself be fooled by ignorance.

The Aset Ka is not out there to be found. So never take any information regarding it, positive or negative, as reliable. All true information about Asetianism or the Aset Ka that is made public is always confirmed officially by the Order. No exceptions.

Asetian knowledge has always been copied and mimicked throughout history by a myriad of other traditions, groups and projects. There are always people trying to take advantage from what they do not fully understand and cannot comprehend, but that they find alluring. This is observed daily in what concerns the Aset Ka. While that will never cease to happen, even when its influences are not so obvious to the unaware, people that are truly seeking for the source of this wisdom now have no reasons to follow the wrong faces of our path.

We seek no followers out of blind faith. We are a spiritual family. One united by loyalty, understanding and an unshakable bond, an immortal one... the eternal gift of Aset.

Unlike many other Orders and traditions, we do not profess having the one definitive path to religion. What we do have is the definitive Asetian knowledge and spirituality, and this path is by no means for everyone.
So is this the only true form of spirituality? No, it isn't.
Asetianism is for an elitist few, a group of evolved beings sharing their immortality and working towards constant evolution.

After this banner of awareness if someone is still willing to be taken into delusion and fall into the abyss of ignorance, it is now their own choice to remain blind.

May Aset bless the path of those worthy of Her Essence...

At the service of Her Highness Aset,
Order of Aset Ka.

"We live in Secret. We live in Silence. And we live Forever..."
You know how I feel about faith. That inescapable yoke of intellect. Christian faith requires an action on the part of some God external. Which by definition can't be an action (work) on the part of the individual. Not by works yada yada yada.

That counts me out. And I alway raise my guard when fuckers start bleating about having an open mind. Fuck that noise.
omg yuk and omg wtf

While vampires are indeed predatory beings that can respond with damage and even lethal power if provoked, it is not entirely true that the majority of the community does attack and harm people for no well-founded reason."
Asetian Bible. (Public Version, Aset Ka, 2007)

Vampirism is a real, but often misunderstood, layer of the Asetian nature. The Asetians were described by the ancient mystics as the primordial vampires, the first-born of the timeless immortal kin. Tracing their roots back to Ancient Egypt, a time of mysteries and magick, they were given Life out of the essence of Aset through an inscrutable act of creation known as the Dark Kiss - the Asetian initiation.

A real vampire is not defined by the elements found in fiction, myth and lore. Being a vampire is a definitive condition of the soul. It is marked by a non-human spirit within a human body. An immortal soul in a mortal shell. Vampirism is often linked with the draining of vital force, known as Ka in Ancient Egyptian, but the need for energy alone is not enough to describe a living vampire. The metaphysical practices and techniques behind vampirism are not exclusive to vampires, given that other beings can also summon the elements, interact with energy and may learn the ability to drain and manipulate life force. This does not qualify them as vampires, when they are only humans practicing the arts of vampirism.
There are many situations that may lead someone into acts of vampirism, from circumstances as simple and mundane as stress and depression to subtler and esoteric conditions like what is described as sympathetic vampirism. In this case, a human may start to metaphysically impersonate a vampire after being drained for an extended period of time or by the means of deep feeding. Naturally this does not turn the individual into an actual vampire but simply reflects a human being conditioned to act vampirically.
Another common mistake, and often passed along as truth by the less knowledgeable of the mysteries within the vampire gnosis, is that the nature of the vampire can be explained by damaged chakras - known as Shen in the Asetian culture -, where this inner defect was caused to their subtle system long ago. Those situations of wounded souls and metaphysical handicaps do exist but they do not describe real vampires. They represent mere humans with a damaged soul.
Vampires are beings of oneness and completeness. Beings of purity and evolution. They should not be misunderstood as humans with a damaged Self or a poorly working chakra.
ya rekon this prick wants to drink my blood or kill me even? it says in their bible they are predators. omg
It is a union with the divine but it's the definition of which that we've lost.

It's fact become legend become myth become faith forgetting where it came from. But who am I to say? For illumination on these matters we'll consult the Nazarene-

20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

Luke 17:20- 21
ya rekon this prick wants to drink my blood or kill me even? it says in their bible they are predators. omg

My friend, you're more predator than they could ever hope to be. Without reservation I'm confident of your safety.

It's them I worry for.
The Order of Aset Ka holds a tradition that is the magickal and spiritual system followed by the Asetians. Asetianism, the sacred mystical tradition of the Aset Ka, is a profound system of dark and predatory spirituality, based on enlightenment, transformation and evolution of the soul.

The Kemetic Order of Aset Ka is a spiritual society and metaphysical order of mysteries, which vindicates to be founded in Kemet by an entity known as Aset, during a time they call the Sep Tepy. The word Kemet means Black Land in Ancient Egyptian, referring to the lands of Egypt itself, in the shores of the Nile; while Sep Tepy means First Time, a Kemetic terminology to a supposedly golden era of their civilization, an ancient primordial timeframe that predates Dynastic Egypt.

The Order, as it is commonly referred, is one of the most influential Kemetic Orders, as well as vampiric movements, inside the occult underground in Europe, especially in the Iberian Peninsula.

With its headquarters based in the city of Oporto, Portugal, Aset Ka is known for its traditional approach to magick and vampirism, studying a very different variety of occult arts, philosophies, and practices.

Its tradition is connected with the Left Hand Path, Black Magic and Dark Occultism, but ultimately based on Egyptian Magick, practicing mystical Vampirism and studying chaos magick, as well as different forms of High Magick, energy work and rituals, considered highly elite in the wide occult studies spectrum.

Energy being the central backbone of the whole tradition, there is of major importance within its practices the knowledge of magickal ritual practices, as well as the mastery of energy work, meditation and past-life research. The concept of reincarnation fits in every piece of the Asetian tradition. The full framework behind the Asetian religion resides in the belief on reincarnation. Because it is through this cycle of life, death and rebirth that the initiate conquers true immortality of his soul, being this concept of immortality also a central theme around the Order's practices. With this in mind, the Asetians strive for perfecting themselves over the ages, in an ever changing environment, roaming our reality in the shadows of societies and mankind. Spiritual evolution is their highest goal, and mystical knowledge the treasure they profess to protect.

>>>> Bloodlines make a mention

Vampirism: Dark Kiss, Awakening and Immortality

The Order vindicates that Asetianism is the first spiritual system of vampirism in history, created by vampires. And although there are many widespread cults concerning the archetype of the vampire, Asetianism is the only organized religion for vampires to date.

"The vampires of the House of Aset, the Order of Aset Ka, are not vampires from fiction or myth, nor are they new-age psychic vampires alike. They belong to a very specific metaphysical breed, or otherkin bloodline, born thousands of years ago. Long dead and reborn, in an ever-changing world, their souls linger forever and, in silence, they walk among us."
- Asetian Bible, Public Version, 2007

As it is told in the Asetian Bible, following Aset's three children, an empire was forged in secret, that allowed for the spread of the Asetian bloodline. The Elder vampires would have the powers to spiritually transform a human being into an Asetian, by an initiatory magickal procedure that the Asetians called the Dark Kiss, whose details are not fully unveiled even in the Order's own public works. Certainly one of the magickal rituals, or initiatory techniques, more surrounded in secrecy around the occult panorama.

After the dramatic experience that is the Dark Kiss, the initiate is said to undergo a process of spiritual transmutation, known as the Awakening. During this time, it is supposed for his full life, mind and soul to be reborn, into a new immortal vampiric being: an Asetian. The Awakening is believed to be an evolutionary step in the life of an Asetian, that undergoes that process of transformation in every life, representing the phase where they grow aware of their true nature and find their path within the Aset Ka.
Looks like they've put an aweful lot of work into holding off their fear of death. We all do one way or another I guess. Meh.

LOL@ Predatory spirituality based on enlightenment. Works for sheep or to get laid maybe.
LOL indeed. Ima start asking some more questions about his dog man jewelry and its ruby eye HAHAHA I will try to learn how to trigger the spirits hehe :D
The only reason I think this guy is still even human is because I got a message for him when we first met that he needs to stop what hes doing and come home before he cant anymore.

Many priests were initiated into the mysteries, and the process of death-and-rebirth made them vampiric. It also gave them great powers – astral projection, spirit communication, the ability to influence others with their charisma and will. The downside is that their greatened sensitivity to the world of spirit also made them overly sensitive to other things. The heat of the noon-day sun was a great bane to them, and they became very sensitive to the light. Thus, the initiated priesthood kept to the temples, often living in deep underground complexes that were dark and cool.

They ran things from the shadows, wielding great power. Their very presence became a thing that was whispered about, and myths rose up around them. They were the neteru, the Watchers, who wielded the power over life and death, whose hieroglyph is the killing axe. They were the mysterious denizens of Ro-se-tau, the guardians of the stages of the Duat.
Have you read John Levy? Levy asserts that the Self is inaccessible. As such, our essential nature cannot be affected by anything we do or anything that happens to us. It follows, I guess, that the essential nature of others is both unknowable and thus, unalterable.

Waste not want not I figure is what he's trying to say.
Remove 'both' so it makes some fucking sense.

Jesus effing christ with the grammar already Gear.
yes the assertion of will is integral.
Today I got told I 'have' to do this meditation thing hes been trying to get me to do, eventually i will 'have' to do it he rekons. ha its probably his feeding thing

in other news, the vampire cannable temple of set high priest has written me a 'love - evol' song for i eat heart day

That's on him. Have some fun with his new friend? I don't think I'd let a 'new' friend tie me up. And she's a fraud using 'satanism' to cover up the tantrum she's throwing because her daddy and mommy didn't treat her the way she thinks she's entitled to. She uses the promise of sexual gratification to capture then assault some poor fool? Juvenile.

ha-Satan the accuser wouldn't use ropes and idiots to spill blood. Nor would he. He isn't Lucifer or the wise serpent and he isn't the devil as is commonly believed. These are four separate and distinct characters hailing from the remote past. Maybe just archetypes. Who the hell knows?

I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that none of the aforementioned titans of myth and legend would have dealings with Ms. Sutton or The Idiot McDaniel.

That's just ridiculous.

Read the Book of Job if you haven't. There's a whole lot in there to learn about the so-called 'heavenly' hierarchy if anyone cares to look.