Call me The Doctor (spoilers)

The Doctor

The Doctor
Sorry, said i'd be 5 minutes, but was actually 12 years:tongue:

So, what did all you people think of Matt Smith as the Doctor, and Karen Gillian as his assistant?

I quite liked him, never understood why groups of facebook where saying how crap he was gonna be as the Doctor, proved them wrong :). Also the series looks pretty darn good. "tell me the whole day that'll work", priceless!

DALEKS! Yes, by far the best monster. Also it looks like they have taken over the UK, who knows though lol.

Also Richard Curtis is gonna write an episode i see, i can't wait for that, should be really funny.


What do you think of William Hartnett? Did K-9 need to shit? And was Captain Jack really gay, or was it all just one big act?


I want to smell dark matter
This is definitely the best place for a Doctor Who thread.

Anti Troll Hero

Registered User
-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA your so funny.

... But seriously I loved the series. I think The Doc. was played by a great actor and the evil guy was cruel but loveable as in the end no one really died :)


I want to smell dark matter

Dr. House

Finally another doctor for me to cavort with.
I am a massive fan of Doctor Who, ever since I was a wee lad during Peter Davison's reign.

I can understand why people might be hating on this new guy. He's the youngest Doctor ever and he kinda looks like he has some form of down syndrome, or looks like the kid from the Mask (the Cher movie, not Jim Carey).
When David Tennant took over I was very disappointed because I thought Christopher Eccleston was so damn good. He reminded me of the perfect combination of Tom Baker and Peter Davison. It didn't take long, though, for me to start liking Tennant. I think he did a fantastic job, so I will give this new kid the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure he'll be fine.

BBC America will air his first episode this Sat so I haven't seen it yet. His new companion is bonerific. I'm very much looking forward to it and I'm glad there's someone else that like Doctor Who around here.