

Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You get to see Eva Green's breasts, so that's always a plus.

Besides that, it wasn't half bad. But i'm ready for Winter!!!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I figured as much. ;)


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Sheer fabric and at least one slippage while she's getting banged.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Oh, and plenty of bouncing cleavage.


Is this real life?
So it's a bit like Spartacus, but with magic and castles? Sounds good!


I want to smell dark matter
Wait, I thougt this wasn't starting until April? Or did the pilot leak? Or are they showig it early?

There is obviously a lot of potential in an "adult" version of the Arthurian legends, but the fact that the show runner is Chris "series 1 and 2 of Torchwood and some crap episodes of Doctor Who" Chibnal isn't very encouraging.

But I was always going to watch it anyway because Eva Green is one of my favourite actreses, so I'll download the shit out of it and watch it tonight, thanks Tisi!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
It came on Sunday night at 10:05, which I thought was late for a premiering show. I haven't a clue if they were teasing with the first episode. Guess I'll find out Sunday.

Fuddle, it wasn't graphic sex, but she did draw blood. ;)


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It was a sneak peak, probably the first 20 minutes of the first episode, just like Showtime did with Shameless. I started to watch it, but decided I'd wait till the season starts so I can see the whole thing.


I want to smell dark matter
It was the whole episode according to the torrent I downloaded (and the file size!)


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, maybe it was half the two hour series premiere!


I want to smell dark matter
So I watched the first episode (or half the pilot or was 50 minutes long and ended on a cliffhanger) the verdict so far: INCONCLUSIVE.

The script wasn't anything amazing. It moved along at a good pace (MAYBE TOO FAST) but nothing about it really grabbed me. Worringly despite it having a bit of swearing nudity to make it "adult" it wans't really anymore sophisticated than a typical Merlin script. Still, it was only the first episode and things could develop and get more complex with time.

Not sure about the guy playing Arthur. He kind of felt a lot like the BBC's Merlin character as he's the young guy arriving at Camelot for the first time and being thrust into things. Really the Arthur from Merlin seems more believable as a future king. But again there's room for him to grow and develop...

I kind of like Joseph Fiennes as Merlin. His aboslutely mental grin is more suited to this part than it was to top FBI agent MARK BENFORD. Kind of interesting that he won't use magic after helping Uther rape the Queen. Hope he gets LOADED OKAY at some point.

Evil King was quite a good evil king.

But the star of the show as blantantly Eva Green as Morgan, who was far ahead of everyone else in terms of acting and, well, being really sexy. I like Katie McGrath but she can't compare to Eva who managed to completely outdo her in the evil smirk stakes in just her first few minutes of screentime and did a far better job of coming across as a more complex, somewhat comflicted villain with one line ("I'm sorry.") than Merlin's Morgana did all last series.

SO YEAH it wasn't a hit right from the start but it wasn't horrible and there's potential and Eva Green so I'll of course keep watching.


I want to smell dark matter
HEY, just found out the second episode (or second part of the two hour first episode) is on I'll download and watch it tomorrow. HOPE IT GETS BETTER EVA GREEN IS NICE BYE.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
EZTV already seem to have it for some reason, but I probably wont get around to downloading and watching it tomorrow anyway!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It was kinda bad... don't know if I'll be watching this one.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, it wasn't very good. Arthur just isn't likable and it doesn't have any of Merlin's warmth. The actress playing Arthur's mother (the living one) is terrible. And they killed off the second best character already!

Eva Green is way too good for this. So are her breasts.

But I can't say I won't keep watching...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OH, I just had to Google Eva Green to figure out which one she was... I thought her acting was horrible, but she's very attractive, so there's THAT. Perhaps she's not a bad actress and it's the writing and editing that's bad, I DON'T KNOW.