Cap & Thor costume "leaks"

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


I want to smell dark matter
they should both be naked
Both look pretty cool to me. The Thor costume pretty much looks like the current one in the comic books today. I have always hated that stupid A on Cap's head, wish they would have used an eagle emblem like the 1996 Rob Liefeld design. But then as before, if the A disappears then all the comic geeks will be in an uproar. I didn't see a helmet for Thor, wonder if he will have one?


Cap's is bang on. It says military based superhero.

Thor's does not say Norse Thunder God. It looks like a refugee from a SyFy original movie.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Don't forget that these are both just proof of concepts both in high lighting conditions and will both look better when lit and shot properly.


I want to smell dark matter
Where are the "Jane Foster in her underwear for some reason" concept pics!?


I want to smell dark matter
She's not even going to be a nurse in Thor, she's a "scientist" for some reason.
Thor & Captain America are verily studs i do say!

Now all we need is Hawkeye, Quicksilver & dare i even suggest such a thing...?...GIANT MAN!! Best ALL-MAN superhero ORGY EVER!!

My only desire is :)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Thor & Captain America are verily studs i do say!

Now all we need is Hawkeye, Quicksilver & dare i even suggest such a thing...?...GIANT MAN!! Best ALL-MAN superhero ORGY EVER!!

My only desire is :)

Ant-Man/Henry Pym will be played by Nathan Fillion.

Hawkeye will be played by Jeremy "The Hurt Locker" Renner. This is according to Joss, who's directing. Both are fantastic choices!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know

I think the biggest problem I have with this costume is the red cape. Why would you have Thor dressed all in black leather, and then have a red cape? It just doesn't fit. With the success of Iron Man and Spider-Man, I think the general public is over the "we need to dress them in leather costumes because their colorful costumes will look silly" thing. It was fine for the X-Men 'cause they paved the way, but I think the general public is ready for a more colorful Thor.
I think the biggest problem I have with this costume is the red cape. Why would you have Thor dressed all in black leather, and then have a red cape? It just doesn't fit. With the success of Iron Man and Spider-Man, I think the general public is over the "we need to dress them in leather costumes because their colorful costumes will look silly" thing. It was fine for the X-Men 'cause they paved the way, but I think the general public is ready for a more colorful Thor.

He kind of looks like a vampire, don't u think? I still think the design is acceptable...i just hope they add the helmet. The leather outfits sort of worked well in the X-Men films but it just never fit with Batman & Daredevil. Batman could never fight in that tightly fit, heavy ass outfit...although it helped shield him from bullets i suppose.


Cap's is bang on. It says military based superhero.

Thor's does not say Norse Thunder God. It looks like a refugee from a SyFy original movie.

I'm pretty sure that's how he's looked in more recent books as it is. Thor has also always had a red cape.

I think they both look pretty good.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Ever since The Incredibles, I think any superhero who wears a cape is an idiot.



I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
They look like really sexy wrestlers.