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Cap & Thor costume "leaks"

Ant-Man/Henry Pym will be played by Nathan Fillion.

Hawkeye will be played by Jeremy "The Hurt Locker" Renner. This is according to Joss, who's directing. Both are fantastic choices!

I will not accept Nathan Fillon as that wife bashing dickhead, Pym. He's too awesome for that. Plus it's simply too easy to see him as Captain Hammer. Give Hawkeye to Fillion.
I will not accept Nathan Fillon as that wife bashing dickhead, Pym. He's too awesome for that. Plus it's simply too easy to see him as Captain Hammer. Give Hawkeye to Fillion.

No way! Renner seems the perfect choice to play Hawkeye!
Thats only ultimate version anyway isnt it?

I dont remember Pym being such a twat in the regular marvelverse.
He smacked Janet in the face in the regular Marvel universe. But he might have been under the influence of something at the time, I can't remember.
Okay, Nathan and Jeremy in the same movie?? Am I getting that right?

*stocks up on batteries*