Cassie - Sci Fi Reading list please


I want to smell dark matter
I FINISHED THE DIAMOND AGE. I liked it. I will say that like Snow Crash it seemed to really rush towards its conclusion though? The final chapter covered a lot of ground.

Did Harv die in real life when he died in the Primer?

Are there any other Neal Stephenson books I shold read?

I'll go back to the Expanse books now, still got two to read.


Can I have Ops?
I am still reading Vernor Vinge (A deepness in the sky) - it's ok but I am reading other things as well so it's not gripping.

Just ordered Leviathon Wakes from the Library but have got to finish "Command and Control" (a book about the nuclear weapons system) before I get to it. Occasionally I like fact like books to feed the geek.

Definitely going to read Snow Crash next. (and maybe Ben Bova)


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Harv died of consumption.


Is this real life?
Non-sci-fi, but I've been reading The Hunt for the Red October the last few weeks. I'm not usually into military thrillers (my dad can't get enough of them and I swear it's the same story in every one), but it's pretty good. It's been years since I saw the movie, so while I am hearing Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin saying these lines, I can't remember how it ends.

Still considering reading the latest Expanse book next, but some of the reviews are very discouraging.


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The book did get a little dreamlike sometimes where it was hard to figure out if they were irl or not.


I want to smell dark matter
I got Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy because it was the Daily Deal on Kindle. Anyone read them?


Is this real life?
I have a friend who raves about them and I did read the first chapter once but my god they're thick. And there are other trilogies set in the same universe. You'll never be free. I think the words "book one of three" are my biggest deal breaker when it comes to reading something new.

I'm currently reading non-sci-fi book A Tale of Two Cities. My first big Charles Dickens book. I don't know why I was so intimidated by him before. Really good. So clever and insightful. Like Moby Dick on land.


I want to smell dark matter
And now you'll get all those references in Star Trek 2!

I don't mind really big books. I quite like taking months to read them. The Stormlight Archive books must have been over a thousand pages each...


Can I have Ops?
I read Leviathan Wakes and enjoyed it. It was pacy and simple and direct. The use of Noir has been stolen and done better elsewhere but it was a good read.

I will enjoy other expanse books I am sure but feel there will be a shelf life. One to borrow not to own...


I want to smell dark matter
There's some big controversy over the Hugo Awards this year but I'll let Cassie find a link that explains the whole thing.


Can I have Ops?
Oh yes!

Hugo Award nominations spark row over diversity in sci-fi - Telegraph

Cliff notes? Bunch of nutters got upset because there was a woman and a black person nominated / won last year. They then organised some sort of vote shortlist thing (bit confusing) and there are lots of white supremacists (simplification) on the shortlist. Joe Abercrombie (who I like) has said it looks like the future of nothing.

Now others are trying to organise a "No Vote" which I don't understand.

This, along with the Jonathan Ross fiasco of a couple of years ago is really tarnishing something I actually cherish.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, it's basically crusty conservatives pissed every time a black person, woman, or gay person wins anything. Gamergate jumped on board, because it's about ethics in game journalism or SOMETHING.

Oh lord, the comments on that Telegraph article are filled with gamergaters!


I want to smell dark matter
"Vox Day" sounds like a cunt name.


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I READ THEM. Seems like GRRM is super involved in lots of different awards things and HE SHOULD STOP DOING THAT SO HE CAN FINISH WRITING THE BOOKS :rwmad:


Is this real life?
He writes a lot of "THIS WAS RIVETING FROM BEGINNING TO END" stickers for the front of other people's novels, too.


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The Sad Puppies were so successful this year because the gamergaters are bored with emailing advertisers and turned their energies to getting the SJWs out of the Hugos. IMO!