Charles, we're waiting... Where's that info you promised?


Let's fuck some shit up
Chickenshit cupcakeer. I'll uphold my end of the bargain. I doubt you would, you snake in the grass porch monkey. Let this be a lesson:


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You fucking sleazy, worthless hypocrite. After all your bullshit in the Badlands you pull this? How pwned could you possibly make yourself? Queasy McSleazy indeed.

Fucking you in the neck is a pleasure, little man.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
You fucking sleazy, worthless hypocrite. After all your bullshit in the Badlands you pull this? How pwned could you possibly make yourself?

Do not be angry, jack. It's nothing personal. In fact, I still believe that posting peoples' IRL pictures without their consent should be categorically prohibited on the board. However, as long as the retarded system stays as it is, I will exploit it in every way possible, until it's (hopefully) changed.

As for who the hypocrites are, it's every single turd (including you) who applauded using pictures of posters without their consent in the "Gather Around Badlanders" thread.

Time for a taste of your own medicine, asshat.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
u r the hypocrite, worse than any1 else...

because u say ur against it then still do it, we dont say we are against it and do it, that makes u the hypocite. MR de sad


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Do not be angry, jack. It's nothing personal. In fact, I still believe that posting peoples' IRL pictures without their consent should be categorically prohibited on the board. However, as long as the retarded system stays as it is, I will exploit it in every way possible, until it's (hopefully) changed.

As for who the hypocrites are, it's every single turd (including you) who applauded using pictures of posters without their consent in the "Gather Around Badlanders" thread.

Time for a taste of your own medicine, asshat.

That's where you'd be wrong "asshat". I hope you're daycared over it to "prove the point" which you just seem to gloss over whenever it's brought up. The way you used my pic in post 3 is why the rule exists to begin with. Much different than what J&L did in every sense of the word.

It's a shame that what should be synaptic gap is instead a canyon in your case.

Pathetic, actually.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
That's where you'd be wrong "asshat". I hope you're daycared over it to "prove the point" which you just seem to gloss over whenever it's brought up.


The way you used my pic in post 3 is why the rule exists to begin with. Much different than what J&L did in every sense of the word.

I agree, It's much different. You already posted pictures of yourself on TK, and shared other information pertaining to real life (Vermont, meeting with Bickendan, blah blah blah).

However, in the badlands, pictures were snatched from the facebook accounts of people who never shared their pictures on TK.

The only excuse you turds have come up with is that it was done for "inoffensive" purposes. Regardless of how laughable this argument is, and who defines what's offensive and what isn't, nothing guarantees that these pictures (posted "inoffensively") will not be used maliciously later, since they were already made public without the approval of the people figuring in these pictures.

Those who choose to share pictures on the board would be responsible for whatever ensues, but what about those who do not ?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Shut up, you sleazy hypocrite. You've already marginalized both your opinion and yourself.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Chickenshit cupcakeer. I'll uphold my end of the bargain. I doubt you would, you snake in the grass porch monkey. Let this be a lesson:

Hilarious Conchaga, and quite accurate.


a treat for missmanners

I agree, It's much different. You already posted pictures of yourself on TK, and shared other information pertaining to real life (Vermont, meeting with Bickendan, blah blah blah).

However, in the badlands, pictures were snatched from the facebook accounts of people who never shared their pictures on TK.

The only excuse you turds have come up with is that it was done for "inoffensive" purposes. Regardless of how laughable this argument is, and who defines what's offensive and what isn't, nothing guarantees that these pictures (posted "inoffensively") will not be used maliciously later, since they were already made public without the approval of the people figuring in these pictures.

Those who choose to share pictures on the board would be responsible for whatever ensues, but what about those who do not ?

So you decide to use these images, and change them into offensive characture's in an attempt to validate your arguement? is jack getting to you that much?

marquis you have a modicum of intelligence, but this is a below par win an arguement

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member


holly shit dude! This is a saver

*tee hee*

You fucking sleazy, worthless hypocrite. After all your bullshit in the Badlands you pull this? How pwned could you possibly make yourself? Queasy McSleazy indeed.

Fucking you in the neck is a pleasure, little man.

dude, you're a fucking square



That's where you'd be wrong "asshat". I hope you're daycared over it to "prove the point" which you just seem to gloss over whenever it's brought up. The way you used my pic in post 3 is why the rule exists to begin with. Much different than what J&L did in every sense of the word.

It's a shame that what should be synaptic gap is instead a canyon in your case.

Pathetic, actually.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
STFU fish stick


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
pfft, they're irrelevant. Don't exist except in Charles imagination.


Fish cupcakeer
Im not irellevant im UP TOP, making me marked on TRolKIngDem *laughing*


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Chickenshit cupcakeer. I'll uphold my end of the bargain. I doubt you would, you snake in the grass porch monkey. Let this be a lesson:

Time to pay the drummer, cupcakeer.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
hes not going to hes a pussy, maybe we shud start calling him pussyfoot?