Chasing Mavericks


Forever Empress E
Okay - it is a Gerard Butler movie.
I like him, he's good looking to an old gal like me.
He's an okay actor.
Not like I had big expectations for this movie.

Normally I would have let this go to Netflix before I watched it but it is Thursday night and I go to the movies on Thursday night and I've seen everything else at the theater except Cloud Atlas and Chasing Mavericks and the kid at the ticket counter told me Cloud Atlas was three hours long and sucked so I went with Gerard.

Near the end I'm okay with the movie - it wasn't like I was expecting much anyway. It was a fairly lame and harmless feel good type of movie. Right? I can live with that.

Then, what did they go and do? YOU SHOULD ASK. Yanked the little bit of feel good right out from under me. Made me sad. Made me blue. Made me want to cry. So depressed me I had to go shopping. At Walmart!

If you go, leave at the very end of the big surfing success scene where Gerard Butler and the cute blonde girl love interest of the teenage surfer are watching and beaming with pride as young Jay does a good job of surfing his first Maverick. Leave immediately. Don't look back. Just go.