Checking my signature updates


Factional Warfare
To see if I have them all working properly and stuff. Griefwatch can be, dodgy.


Factional Warfare
If I'm in the service. If I'm not.
If I'm Active Duty. If I'm reserve or Guard. If I'm former.
If I did tours. If I rode desk. If I did time.
If I'm married. If I'm single. If I'm divorced or widowed.
If I'm gay. If I'm straight. If I'm bisexual.

Oh wait, I thought this was make a list of shit that's none of your business time. My mistake.

"Real life. It's only the business of the people in mine." *The more you know*


Factional Warfare
Poor troll bait. 1/10.


Factional Warfare
If you're that paranoid already, I don't need to "troll" you.

This, coming from the recent king of dragging real life into a troll board, I find quite hilarious.

My real life is none of your business.

As to me being a dual, if the signatures and the fact people here already know me don't satisfy you, I still don't give two shits. You're just a pathetic emo to me anyhow.


Sinless and Purrfect
Gagh sees IPs. Ask him who the Sarge is.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I don't care how much of a pansy you are currently.

If you served, you wouldn't be that reluctant to admit it.

Unless you got out under OTH or worse circumstances...


Factional Warfare
I love how my non-compliance with his questions about me has him wound like an eight day clock.

You tell yourself whatever you choose to dorkrage, I'm never going to answer any personal questions you ask. So think whatever helps you sleep nights about me, I don't care.


Factional Warfare
To him, apparently so.

Now on to everyone else: Raise you hand if you give two shits about anything to do with me and my status in life. Anyone? Anyone?

Didn't fucking think so.

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
See, you're the one that's blowing this up with your hysterical antics.

I asked you a simple question out of pure curiosity, and you act like I want your social security # and credit card info.

As far as me being the one to leak off the board stuff, the other parties made threads concerning this stuff also.

Interesting how I always get the blame ;)


Factional Warfare
Woe is you.

As to my blowing out of proportion, you make me laugh. You've been attempting to stalk me with this question since I came back here. You're the one that is making it 'important'.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
It's a simple question.

Yet look at how much of a reaction it gets.

Please Chicken Little, tell us more of how the sky falls!