Christmas Decorating In Suburbia...

Pthalo BlueMoon

missmanners' favorite toy
Today was deemed Christmas Decorating Day in our household. My little girl and I happily engaged in the task. My friend's husband wandered around with his thumb up his ass, as usual. My friend went to take care of her newly purchased boat at the marina (that's another story).

Anyway, my friend's best friend (who I call Leech Woman, because she has no sense of personal boundaries) sends her daughter over to help decorate. Okay, I'm fine with that so far.

My friend's and my plan was to get the rest of the house decorated, then put up and decorate the tree. My friend does better with compartmentalized tasks. It cuts down on being overstimulated and overwhelmed. These are issues for her.

Anyway, Leech Woman comes over, and immediately raises a ruckus because the one thing her child came over to do wasn't being done. Oh, she copped a supreme attitude, to the point where she and the husband are putting the tree up as I type. She actually went in the garage and pulled out the tree!

They have to climb over all the other shit that hasn't been put up yet.

My friend and I are in our respective rooms, hiding from the Leech Woman from Hell.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!! :lol:


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
^Has Advent begun? I'm out of candles.:(


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I still have leftover Thanksgiving dinner.


beer, I want beer
jack said:
I still have leftover Thanksgiving dinner.

I don't think turkey keeps that long in the refrigerator. Better throw that out.