Christmas is Over

Love Child

One Love
I'm going to either

A. Nap in front of the warmth of the Christmas Tree wrapped in my new quilt.

B. Nap upstairs in my cold room by my phone lest anyone calls me.

C. Do some laundry, its like a normal day off anyway, might as well make good use of it.

D. Play X-box? I wish.

Nap wins out, then hang out with friends later on if I ever wake up and or hear my phone which isn't very likely because the only place I get reception is upstairs so whatever I'm just going to sleep.

Good Night And Merry Rest of the Day Mas. Christ.


Pinata Whacker
I'm going to finish looking at the new posts here at TK then get to bed and possibly get up to make-up the Saturday I was supposed to work at the beginning of December.


Retired Account
not until i have eaten every last leftover sarnie ;)


Retired Account
leave em up till next year, its called a pre-emptive strike.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy

Now I only have to get through New Years, my birthday, and Valentines day...THEN THE HEALING CAN BEGIN!