Chronicles of Riddick

If you're going to keep on replying to this thread, could someone change it so the title says "chronicles" instead of "chronicals" before my head explodes?

20 minutes film time, some of it was fast forwarding.

I already figured the film was doomed when I was bored during the opening credits.
Aside from some dumb lines and a lot of truly stupid names ("Crematoria"? "Necromongers"?!), this was actually a pretty decent action flick, with a well-structured plot. Casting was a little weird, but the characters weren't bad. God knows Diesel's killing-machine character is the most overused of cliches, but I think he pulls it off. I liked Urban & Newton's whole Macbeth routine. Dench didn't bother me but a) I would've picked a better uber-villain than Colm Feore (I got a kick out of Nick Chinlund's bounty hunter), and while Alexa Davalos (sp?) was good, I might've gone with someone who resembled her younger self in Pitch Black, to tie the films together and give us more reason to care about her. I liked the little twist at the end --an obvious franchise setup, but what the hell. Production design was excellent, as in its predecessor. I enjoyed it, and I wasn't expecting to.

As for sequels, the story I heard was that they were all set to go when Vin came back with an asking price that made the studio balk. His career arc has since returned to earth over the past few years, and he did do that last Fast & Furious flick, so who knows?