Civilian-legal FN SCAR?

Here's a prototype:


The things I know about it so far:

1. Modular.
2. Comes in SCAR-H (7.62mm) and SCAR-L (5.56mm) variants.

EDIT: Sorry for the image stretch, it wouldn't let me use the thumbnail for some reason.
It wouldn't surprise me if they did -- it would certainly be a good move on their part to offer a semiauto-only variant. H&K did with the USC 45 (which is essentially the UMP 45 in semiauto carbine clothing.) and with the AWB dead, there's no reason for them not to.
All I see is a red "x" where the pic is supposed to be. It sounds pretty sweet though. Even if it were legal, California is the crappiest state to own firearms in since there are so many stupid limitations and bans of certain types like the .50 Calibers and so forth. Not like I would buy one though.
A Karas said:
All I see is a red "x" where the pic is supposed to be. It sounds pretty sweet though. Even if it were legal, California is the crappiest state to own firearms in since there are so many stupid limitations and bans of certain types like the .50 Calibers and so forth. Not like I would buy one though.
Ckick Dark Link's link.
The Question said:
It wouldn't surprise me if they did -- it would certainly be a good move on their part to offer a semiauto-only variant. H&K did with the USC 45 (which is essentially the UMP 45 in semiauto carbine clothing.) and with the AWB dead, there's no reason for them not to.

Yeah, but the USC really was a let down when it came out. It looked like crap, the buttstock looked embarrassing to put on, clip capacity was greatly reduced, and firing it was like you were shooting a glock.

Hopefully a civi SCAR won't be that embarrassing
^^Well, the USC isn't as appealing for the out-of-the-box platform as it is when you consider how moddable that platform is. I have a feeling that any civi SCAR will probably be similarly pussified out of the box, but both are likely to be excellent candidates for third-party modding. The only out of the box rifle I've ever seen that looked and performed impressively was the Springfield SOCOM II.
^^What is, the SOCOM II? Oh, I dunno about that. As bad as its .308 bite is, its bark is probably an excellent deterrent in home/community defense, as well.
Remember SSgt, when someone's in your house, there's no such thing as overkill, it's just enough kill.
SSgt_Sniper said:
When someone's in my house, they'll get a chest full of .357 . But that's just me.

.357 Sig, or Magnum? I prefer .45 :D Bigger hole.

I also have a 30-30 lever. At a $1 a bullet, they better be good. :D
I want to take out my neighbors annoying little dog that wont shut the hell up 4 hours & hours with 1
My father bought me a 12-guage a while back, I keep it in a closet next to my bed and I've only had to remove it once. Thankfully, I didn't have to use it. It tears through wood like butter, I'd hate to think of what it would do to a human body.

And as I was reading this, an old post by SB came to mind.

Sadistic Bastard said:
5 rounds, 12 guage, the sound of chambering the first round alone usually is enough to stop someone in their tracks (makes for an easier shot, if I've had to chamber a round, I'm unloading it through the barrel).

1st shell is 00, second is a deer slug, 3 and 4 are 00, last is another deer slug. I just pray they don't have body armor on.

I keep the "other" weapons (no, you don't get to hear what they are) locked up too securely for easy access in a crisis. If by some chance I know they are coming, I'll use a revolver. After the second or third shot in close quarters your accuracy is for shit anyway.

Stopping power every time.

This was his explaination;

Sadistic Bastard said:
This is the load-out from my CG days.

It was explained to me by a crusty old gunners-mate:

“Shot one, you miss but scare the hell out of the target, so the target jumps behind something”
“Shot two, you shoot through whatever the hell they are hiding behind, now they jump out from behind that thing you just blew to hell”
“Shot three and four, HOPEFULLY by now you hit him”
“Shot five, if they are still standing, this will put them down or it scares them again”

(in the CG there would be shots 6 and 7, both 00, but my home weapon’s magazine stops at 5)

After that last deer slug, hopefully I'll have time to reload, but it shouldn't be necessay.
Ah. The Belgian FN. Once the mainstay of the Canadian Armed Forces. Now we use the ridiculous M-16 variants (C-7). Such a pathetic little piece of shit equipment. When our forces first started being equipped with them, our military rightfully asked 'why in hell are components of this weapon being manufactured by Mattel, a fucking toy company?' There was no match for our Belgian FN. No doubt your bullshit American government put pressure upon our government to purchase your pieces of garbage. One of our millitary officers had previously suggested we purchase the Soviet-made AK-47 or the AKM. The Americans would not hear of it.

It reminds a Canadian of the days when Canada led the aerospace industry with development of our Avro Arrow. No country in the world had an interceptor that even approached it. This was an aircraft developed in the 1950s that was almost as fast as your SR-71 Blackbird although an utterly unfair comparison since the Blackbird had a higher ceiling. To you dolts who failed physics, that means there is less air resistance so of course it was faster. Bring the SR-71 down to the operating altitude of our Arrow, you would get a missile right up the asshole since the Arrow would easily catch up. Typical cowardly American style - build something no one can reach because we do not want to be made into anyone's bitch.

The USA leaned on Canada to refrain from building our Avro Arrow, especially since he Soviets were interested. The 'Iroquois' engine it used was at least 20 years ahead of its time. That was scrapped along with the interceptor. The Americans forced us instead to purchase their ridiculously pathetic BOMARC missile which caused the Soviets to laugh uproariously. They were absolutely excited since this meant a way into US airspace had been found - through Canadian airspace protected by the *cough* BOMARC missile system. The Soviets were laughing themselves hoarse.