Ah Wheezie, you know...buying into the whole pack of lies about Little Black Sambo. He's neither terrorist nor muslim, although what would be wrong with him being muslim? He's a true Christian in every sense of the word, and just because we don't understand fire and brimstone black preachers is no reason to fear them. Jeremia Wright is just like every other black screamer from the pulpit. How can you turn a blind eye to Palin's clear Pentacostalism in the same breath? Now THERE'S some fanaticism.
Ayers was only a "terrorist" when the fascist republican government in power was illegally drafting and killing young americans for absoluelty NOTHING, and the police were killing people at will on the streets of our country, something we seem to have blithely "forgotten". Weather Underground was an effective response to Nixonian draconia, remember??
LBS won't be the "saviour" of our country, but of all the people we could actually elect, he'll not only be a decent choice, he'll be the right one.