Come tell Santa what you want for Christmas!

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face


My Stars!
What the heck is the donkey standing on? Looks like he never saw a shoer when it lived. Poor little donkey, lost his tail hair at the end. So, they put the little girl on a ratty donkey with a scary Santa. What's with the number on the basket?


Keeper of the Nether Eye
The number on the basket is to identify the photo with the associated child, so they could send the picture to the correct family. Processing took a lot longer back then.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
I'm definitely sure it's a pretty bad wig / fake beard. So far as if Santa's a mannequin or not, it's not as easy to say. The hand looks human enough, but the face is just messy (to put it bluntly). Not sure if Santa is human and moved his face during the long exposure (which doesn't quite make sense because the child is clear enough), or he's a mannequin with a poorly done face. Or maybe human but just bad makeup?


My Stars!
Are Santa's eyes open or closed? If open, dang! Run little girl, run! If they are closed, he's either drunk or stuffed. Run little girl, run! Of course, this is all pointless, as they are all probably as dead as the donkey.


My Stars!
That's a pretty good descriptor - sums the picture up quite nicely. At least he didn't have any "helpers" in the photo.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
Maybe that's why she's twisting away from Santa, she's terrified.

Although it could be a little boy. They did dress boys as girls until a certain age . . .

I still find historical photographs interesting, no matter how creepy they are. I've even got a few post mortem photographs of people and babies I've picked up through auctions over the years - sometimes all the family could afford is one photograph and they waited until their family member was dead. Sad, really.

But yeah, back to topic. Most of my wishes have already come true this year. Full-time employment would be nice . . .


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Can I have Ops?
The number on the basket is to identify the photo with the associated child, so they could send the picture to the correct family. Processing took a lot longer back then.

Looks more like a fuckin ransom demand.

GIVE US $4,270 or I take my beard off and eat the kid alive.