Comics on the iPad?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So I heard a report on the radio yesterday that Robert Iger, the President and CEO of Disney, is very bullish on the iPad. He said that Disney will work with Apple to develop content for the iPad, and even said flat-out that their acquisition of Marvel Comics might play into these developments.

So...I gotta say, that might get me to buy an iPad. I'm not really a collector anymore, but I would love to get back into reading comics. But the price is prohibitive. A decent book is like 4 bucks now, it's outrageous.

Think about it, though, let's say Marvel offers the same comic for like $1.50 on the iPad. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I'd buy tons of comics that way. I think the sales of comics would approach levels not seen since the 80's, when a copy of Amazing Spider-Man routinely sold 800,000 copies.

Of course, the hard-core collectors like Darthsikle wouldn't be interested in this. AND, you kinda piss off your local comic book store owner, who's supported you in the lean times. But I don't think Disney as a company gives a shit about that, they're a bottom-line, revenue-oriented company.

I'm anxious to see what develops, but what say you, MF'ers? Would you buy comics on the iPad?


I want to smell dark matter
I wouldn't buy an iPad, so no.


Staff member
The first thing that came to mind when I first saw the iPad was that this is the most perfect device ever created to read digital comics on. You can have the full page and just flick across to the next almost as you would a real comic. With the insanely good screens that Apple puts out it would look gorgeous as well.

It's a massive selling point. I really don't need an iPad because my iPhone does pretty much everything I would think was cool on the iPad. Except this.


I saw an article about a week ago waxing postulate this very thing. Goodbye local comics vendor, but hello comics wherever you want them. I don't if that would get to buy one, I'm kinda wary of Apple's strict way of making you acquire things for their products.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
I think it would a wonderful platform for CCGs, if done correctly.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
The first thing that came to mind when I first saw the iPad was that this is the most perfect device ever created to read digital comics on. You can have the full page and just flick across to the next almost as you would a real comic. With the insanely good screens that Apple puts out it would look gorgeous as well.

It's a massive selling point. I really don't need an iPad because my iPhone does pretty much everything I would think was cool on the iPad. Except this.

Exactly my thought, I have no need for an iPad right now, none whatsoever. My iPhone keeps me connected while on the go, and at home I have a PC and a laptop with a wireless network. But damned if I wouldn't buy an iPad if they started offering comics. The price would have to be similar to that of single songs, certainly no more than $2. But damn, the though of being able to read 20-30 comics a month again is pretty exciting.


Let's fuck some shit up
If Text Guru gets around to making their app compatible with any size .pdf, you'll be able to read comics on your iPhone/iPodTouch.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
But why would you want to? Even with scrolling, why would someone want to run down their phone battery reading comics on such a tiny screen?


Comix on the iPhone have already seen a large amount of success, and that's on the smaller screen, the iPad would certainly be better, fo' sho'.

Don't forget that a lot of youngsters only have an iPod Touch, that's their main device. They are reading comix on their touches right now, it's not unreasonable to think that kids that opt for the iPad will want to read their comix there, too.


There are readers like Comics that allow syncing over wifi, and there are a bunch of publisher specific readers, the iVerse Comics reader or instance. There are also a slew of per-app comics, where you buy the app for $2 and it is one issue, self contained.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^No thanks, I don't even use my iPhone for browsing, unless absolutely necessary. The friggin type is too small, even when I tap to increase the size. No WAY would I ever read a comic on the iPhone.


I'm not arguing that the iPhone is big enough for comics, but the fact that they're there and selling well shows there's a demand. With the iPad the small form factor problem goes away, and the experience will improve dramatically.

I bet you moneys that there will be an iBook like comic app where you can purchase and read comics all in one app.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Printed word is one thing, but when the artwork is as integral to the story as the words, it's tough to read on such a tiny screen.

Plus, as Eggs pointed out, the fucking battery life on the iPhone is awful, it's the display that drains it most.


Let's fuck some shit up
If you tweak your settings (even non-jailbroken) you can greatly increase your battery life.


Let's fuck some shit up
Also, are there any other good .pdf readers for the iPhone out there other than Text Guru?


there's the Mail client, any number of file managers like AirSharing, the iDisk app, on and on.


I have to say, that as soon as I read the title of this thread, I liked the idea, and that's the first time I've thought that about anything in regards to the iPad.

The problem is, you go and buy one, and within a year they'll be on Generation 22, with 15 times as much storage, style, features & quality for only a part of the price.