Jerry Fletcher

New Member
CONSPIRACY: Wordforge #1
Selective targetting of TKers?

One of our recent investigations has discovered the contours of what appears to be an unofficial policy of targetting TKers at WF.

Zodiac / Messenger had been flamed and baited on two occasions in the WF Help Desk, once by Sokar who requested that TKers be marked and confined to a single forum (perhaps also wear yellow stars of David?) and also by a WFer who attacked ZM's character by posting to everyone that he had "suspicions that Zodiac is up to no good."

ZM was unfortunately trolled in the latter case and warned for his retort.

None of the other posters recieved warnings.

There does of course permeate an atmosphere of fear and loathing towards anything of TK origins there among the membership base. What we can see is a clear bias by the administration as well. It would take too long to compile a list of instances where ZM was dogpiled and treated in a very unprofessional manner by some of the staff.

It should be noted that one member of the staff, Tamar_Garish, treated ZM as though if he were not of TK origins. Was she a potential whistleblower, or just trying to stir up trouble?

In any event the Help Desk thread in question was ZM's announcing that he would be sharing his account. He made it clear that he did not want to flaunt any of the rules and so announced it. He suddenly found himself under fire by many WFers including Tamar_Garish. Apparently the registration process at WF is just as strict as Shattered Corpse's or ExIsle's - it is a private board, for all intents and purposes.

ZM's mistake was most likely his overt attempt to bring this fact to light. Let us remember that despite Tamar_Garish's claim that vouching for someone means nothing, it was thanks to RobL's quick thinking and vouching of several TKers was ZM able to register in the first place.


The Grey room is an area of WF which is hidden to the public. However we have managed to place some agents in the deepest bowels of Wordforge and have also managed to hook up with some members who are sympathetic to the cause of TKers, the cause of Freedom of Registration, which is an undeniable Internet right. We consider them members of an underground Wordforge Resistance Front.

It was one of our operatives who managed to sneak out one or two of their threads as well as an important microfilm which might come into play at a later time.

We've uploaded it to ZM's domain. Unfortunately we have not been able to get in contact with him but we are certain that he will not mind.

This is the thread our operative managed to take with her. Notice how readily Mr. Walczak brings up WordInterrupted, another member of Troll Kingdom as well as its official ambassador, a member he himself personally banned.

After reviewing the data we have extrapolated from the various doings and comings and goings, we are 85% certain that there exist a hidden set of rules designed specifically to keep TKers out of Wordforge.

The truth is out there..............never forget.


wow, nobody cares.

nothing goes on in the gray room that is remotely interesting, least of all threads about TK.


New Member
Please ASK before uploading sensitive material to the domain, Jerry.


New Member
faceman said:
wow, nobody cares.

nothing goes on in the gray room that is remotely interesting, least of all threads about TK.

On this, I agree. WF is mostly the same boring drek as what was TBBS, except that its more imbred because its a smaller board.

However, many of the mods/admins act in an unprofessional manner. There is such a thing as "killing them with kindness."


Jerry Fletcher said:
CONSPIRACY: Wordforge #1
Selective targetting of TKers?

The truth is out there..............never forget.

Thanks Jerry, I'm so glad we have you in our corner to uncover these plots.



King of Sarcasm
I peeked in WF for the first time in 2 months since my banning. I see a couple of threads whining about TK. I also see a new banning policy is in effect. The funniest thing about you WFers is you participate in Neg Rep wars and call us childish. :)


New Member
She explained it in the same post it was mentioned, doofus.


New Member
I think Jerry misrepresented some things here. While I did permit myself to get baited, the warning was still appropriate..


TK addict
The Grey Room is hidden because many members simply don't give a shit about other BBS's (I know, hard concept for most of you to imagine), and didn't want to be bothered with it. Since the way to l33t h4x0r your way in is to join the unmoderated (for joining) public group "The Gray Brigade", which you can do with 0 posts, it's hardly secret.

All you've done is copyright infringement, and pretty pathetically too, from the look of it.