
Woah, that really is sad. Though I don't really like the suggestion that being a lesbian is a choice, it obviously is in this case.
She is actually quite nice and positive all the time too. But I still find her face and voice annoying. Is it wrong to want someone evicted just for such superficial reasons?
The way she was sandblasting her face and bleaching her hair before, I'd say she has issues that the death just compounded. I think she'll eventually find the right analyst, and she'll go back to men.
Three years ago she shocked her pals by starting a gay relationship with Rachel Haddow, 30, who is now treated as "a member of the family".
Rachel Haddow, or RACHEL MADDOW!!!?? :shock:

It's worse now. Every time she opens her mouth I want to strangle her.

How many people in England/Britain talk that way? She's like an English Valley Girl -- "FERSHUR, GNARLY!"

SHUT UP YOU :gtc-up: