

RIP Karl 1991-2014
Congratulations, Sir Funk! Verily, you won the election through pure strength of arms. May your reign be prosperous and just, as was his predecessor's. Come forward now, Moderator, and receive thy crown of laurels. Hereafter, thou shalt be known by the regnal name, 'Master.'
Thank you, Dual. I shall reign with strength and power. Please inform Queen MM her newest lord is ready to serve.
What is this queer shit?
You two make me sick. You're sucking the balls out of this place.
You've got a forum that's about being funny and you got two yuppies in positions of power?
What the fuck?
There's alot more than two yuppies in power, that's for sure.

but there is some "girl" that posts sex threads a bunch that's pretty awesome.
Congratulations Master Dirk Funk! May you lead us to a prosperous forum filled with eloquence, glory, and dignity. Congratulations on your victory!

I'm a starving college student, not really a yuppie. ;(
No, you're a moron.
If you consider what a yuppie is purely on it's dictionary definition, then you're worse off than I thought.
A yuppie is an edgeless, soulless, wanna-be who has no innate idea of what cool is but will certainly get together with all his yuppie friends and manufacture one.
Judging by your post history, you fit this perfectly.
No, you're a moron.
If you consider what a yuppie is purely on it's dictionary definition, then you're worse off than I thought.
A yuppie is an edgeless, soulless, wanna-be who has no innate idea of what cool is but will certainly get together with all his yuppie friends and manufacture one.
Judging by your post history, you fit this perfectly.

Please digress.

You're right, though, in that I don't cling to shit other people think is 'cool,' but I just can't see that as a negative. If you want to pigeonhole me, a more apt designation would be something along the lines of 'eccentric loner.'
I'm afraid you've been misinformed. I am her Master, as you are all my subjects.

What is thy bidding, my Master?

Darth Loktar ready and willing to stand by thy side and serve you and the fair and beautiful Mistress Love Child.
Bring me the furry known as Yub. Make him perform for my amusement.

I will do my best to carry out your command, but the Furry One has been scarce these days. No doubt the news of your impending kingship has sent the cowardly peon into parts unknown.
This thread is gayer than Rob Halford doing Broadway.

It's pretty sad when mungentards are the only voice of reason.

Dirk, Go funk yourself. Clueless twat.