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Cunk on Britain

I am BUMPING this thread because I want to see if I can find it tomorrow.

They're showing it in five minute episodes every day of the week FOR SOME REASON and I can't be bothered watching it like that. There's a 30 minute version on Sunday so I'll watch it that way.
It was funny.

I don't know how the professors don't break down laughing at Philomena's questions. Are all professors just masters of deadpan comedy?
When he called her “one of the nicest people in Britain” that was really cute.

The Cunk and other people on 2019 show was new to me too.
Still not really sure what this is, or if I should be posting in a different thread by now, but it's cool to see Diane Morgan appearing with actual Hollywood celebrities.

I watched Death to 2020. It was not up to Brooker's usual end of the year standards. It was kind of like over an hour of Barry Shitpease and Philomena Cunk bits, but not as funny? I don't want to say it felt "dumbed down" but...maybe it's because we've already heard all these 2020 jokes a million times before (hey did you know Biden is old and Trump is orange? It's true!) Unsurprisingly I thought Diane Morgan did the best with the material. Samuel L. Jackson was pretty good too. There was some funny lines but again nothing hilarious and too much overly obvious stuff, I felt. If you put it on in the background while you're washing your cat or something it might be fine!
Yeah it definitely wasn’t up to the usual standard of how vicious and close to the bone the Wipes usually are (or how specific to the UK they are). But there were some great lines in there I’ve now entirely forgotten.