

I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, he seems okay.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
His most prized possession is his nose hair trimmer.

Yeah, seems okay. Maybe needs to get out more.


I want to smell dark matter
Could be boring, I guess!


I want to smell dark matter
Everyone to Daley: Just be respectful of your girlfriend and her feelings, okay?
Daley To Hazel: I SAW YOUR BUSH LOL.


Is this real life?
I always knew he was a wrongun.


I want to smell dark matter
Lucas from Neighbours thinks it was the right call.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
He deserved to go, but BB was stupid to let them go back to bed (and cuddle) and then boot him the next day. In US BB a player is ejected immediately for a bootable offense. If they needed to review tapes or whatever, they should have done it before the first time they callled them to the DR.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah but they had to call him to the Diary Room instantly in case something happened. It is weird that they ended up sleeping in the same room though. I guess we'll see how that played out tonight.