

Touching the monolith
Staff member
Was so painfully bad I only watched for about 7 minutes before flipping back to Super Massive Black Holes.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Glad it's not just me. Some of my FB peeps were soooooooo excited and fell in love with it, and I barely lasted three minutes.


I want to smell dark matter
Did anyone wake up in a shower?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well to be fair, the original Dallas was bad too -- it was a daytime soap opera produced in prime time, and people lapped it up. The same fans and their brainwashed kids (in those southern/Bible belt states anyway) are doing the same like Pavlovian dogs.
I thought the new DALLAS was really, really...really, really GREAT!!! How can you not have loved it?? It was a touching moment when JR walked up to Sue Ellen at the Cattleman's Ball and said "you are still the prettiest lady at the ball" & then he walked away & she was speechless. I wonder if they will get back together in this new series?

Patrick Duffy & Larry Hagman look pretty old now, but they still got it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
When the French girl talked the cute Mexican boy (Bobby's son) into following her into the locker room and then immediately started making out with him I COULDN'T TAKE IT. Too stupid! If I'm gonna watch a soap it needs to be better than the crap that's on in the daytime, srsly. Also, he had a chunk of frozen methane in his bag, and he just set it on the table and lit it on fire? And we're supposed to think, whoa there cowboy, METHANE! IT'S THE FUEL OF THE FUTURE or some shit? BAH HUMBUG.


Is this real life?
I want it to be good because it's kind of depressing when they bring these old shows back or do remakes after incredibly long periods and they're crap. Depressing and mind boggling. You'd think with decades for someone to come up with good story ideas they'd be the best productions ever.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The other night I was hunting for something to watch, and I ended up on Piers Morgan's show... he was fawning all over Larry Hagman and the guy who plays Bobby. Then they went on and on about how great the show is. I'LL NEVER TRUST PIERS MORGAN AGAIN.
I see the brilliance of this show is lost on the feeble minded "BIG BROTHER" crowd. Yes, go back to your trashy reality shows, be entertained as Snookie astounds you with her witty repartee of curse words & drunken antics.


Forever Empress E
All I know is the City of Dallas is going to give that show $200,000 a year for up to six years as an incentive to film the show in Dallas instead of filming it on a set somewhere else.
That pic was almost good, till I saw the old guys in the back..
That's wrong.. It was all fun in games till JR and His brother had to come to the party..

Hey, don't rag on OLD people! The ad is a mock of the famous Bobby shower scene. Yeah, some of these actors are very old, but give them the respect they deserve. The show wouldn't be the same without JR, Bobby & Sue Ellen. The younger actors will surely carry the show & make it work, but a family isn't just YOUNG punks running around looking all HOT...we need good actors of ALL ages. Fuck, I'm looking forward to seeing what Great Grandpa JR has to offer...he may be old, but he's still BAD ASS! :)


I want to smell dark matter
Was Patrick Duffy still attached to Scuzzlebutt?


I want to smell dark matter