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David Irving Jailed - So much for Freedom of speech...

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This is something I've seen before. Does the BNP in fact try to incite violence?

They believe in Britain for the British. They are a bunch of facist hate-mongers and walk a VERY fine line in causing incitment.

The BNP are a nasty piece of work.
MessengerX said:
This is something I've seen before. Does the BNP in fact try to incite violence?

it's debatable - they were recently cleared of it, but that's beside the point. the point is, irving may hold loathsome Fascist views, but he was prosecuted for denying a historical event and as mentalist said, bieng an smug idiot.

Many, many historical events are disputed. should we allow students to assimilate the facts and come to their own conclusions, or should we force upon them a certain viewpoint that they MUST accept or else they face a prison sentence?
^ i'm not defending the BNP and their views at all, btw - just using them to make the point.
Many, many historical events are disputed. should we allow students to assimilate the facts and come to their own conclusions, or should we force upon them a certain viewpoint that they MUST accept or else they face a prison sentence?

With that I am mostly in agreement. History and the search for the truth should under no circumstances EVER become a taboo subject. This has happened with the Holocaust.

But Irving is a facist. He is not impartial. He is not a historian, he is in my mind not interested in the truth of history beyond glorification of the Thrid Reich.

While Irving is getting his just deserves right now in my mind I happen to agree with his 'REVISED' estimate of the six million deaths being closer to 2.5 million.

Big deal.

It's not even the numbers he is trying to get at. He's trying to play down the 'Final Solution' outlined as the only way to deal with the genetically inferior as dictated by Nazi ideology.

In that respect I can only summise that he is not only ignorant but a fascist as well. And his return to Austria to parade his smug and frankly uneducated views to any who will listen whilst displaying a blatant disregard for the Austrian goverment and it's desire not to placate a Nazi apologist is where I see the line being drawn.
Mentalist said:
They believe in Britain for the British. They are a bunch of facist hate-mongers and walk a VERY fine line in causing incitment.
Now when they word it so simply (Britain for the British) it doesn't seem hate-mongering at all.

Maybe that's the reason groups like that acquire power in the first place.
Mentalist said:
While Irving is getting his just deserves right now in my mind I happen to agree with his 'REVISED' estimate of the six million deaths being closer to 2.5 million.
This belief would get you jailed in a number of European countries.
MessengerX said:
This belief would get you jailed in a number of European countries.

I'm afraid this may well be true.

However much of an ignorant, loathsome fascist Irving is, there are any number of others out there - some in high positions such as Le Pen - who are as bad, if not worse.

If that's the law Austria wants to uphold then he should be banned and deported, again and again if necessary, but not jailed for 3 years.

technically, if Irving knew that he could be arrested an prosecuted if he entered Austria, then it is his fault - ignorance of the law is no excuse etc.. - but I still don't agree with it on the basis that it is an affront to freedom of speech.
Cloudscum said:
I'm afraid this may well be true.

Holocaust denial is illegal in France (Loi Gayssot), Belgium (Belgian Negationism Law), Switzerland (article 261bis of the Penal Code) and several other West European countries. The Council of Europe's 2003 Additional Protocol to the Convention on cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems includes an article 6 titled Denial, gross minimisation, approval or justification of genocide or crimes against humanity.

Not to mention Germany and Austria.
Maybe that's the reason groups like that acquire power in the first place.

Fascism is bred from fear and anger. If enough of the public feels angry and afraid about something extreme and they are able to direct that anger and fear and turn it into an ideology then thats where parties like the BNP, Nazis, Front National arise and grasp power. They all stand for different things but they are all dictated by fear and anger and extreme views.

It is a dangerous process and it exists just about everywhere in varying degrees of power and influence depending on the publics own xenephobic view of things.