Dear Media,


Fuck me silly
STFU about if there isn't other stories around you lazy journalists can beat into the ground. Truthfully Im so sick of everytime I turn on the news it's Boston this Boston that. You know what who the fuck cares. I stopped caring the second or third day they covered it. They got the schmucks now shut the hell up about it. In a year no one in America will give a rats ass about Boston other than the idiots living in that area as for the rest of the nation doesn't concern us so give it a rest!


I want to smell dark matter
I feel bad for the people who died in that factory explosion in Texas for not getting much coverage (and for them dying.)


Retired Account
Yeah plus 60 or more died in TX, not even six died in Boston.


Un Banned
STFU about if there isn't other stories around you lazy journalists can beat into the ground. Truthfully Im so sick of everytime I turn on the news it's Boston this Boston that. You know what who the fuck cares. I stopped caring the second or third day they covered it. They got the schmucks now shut the hell up about it. In a year no one in America will give a rats ass about Boston other than the idiots living in that area as for the rest of the nation doesn't concern us so give it a rest!

Because it happened at a big annual sporting event AND in a major city/media center.

I feel bad for the people who died in that factory explosion in Texas for not getting much coverage (and for them dying.)

That was terrible. And the lack of coverage just wrong.

Yeah plus 60 or more died in TX, not even six died in Boston.

Had it happened in Houston or Dallas instead of West, it would've, would be getting the attention the Beantown Terrorism got, is getting. West, TX? That's like Salem in "Salem's Lot" (1979 NBC mini-series) and that cool 1987 theatrical sequel to it with Michael Moriarty!:shrug:

Unfortunately places the media IGNORES:no:


Let's fuck some shit up
It's only getting coverage because it's a "terror" attack. As if other murders or acts of violence aren't terrifying enough. Anyway, the US seems to lose its shit when someone mentions that an attack is terror-related.